Hi Frank,

use Features on the nodes, every cpu node gets e.g. "cpu", every gpu node e.g. "gpu".

If a job asks for no gpus, set an additional constraint "cpu" for the job.


Am 29.03.2023 um 01:24 schrieb Frank Pari:
Well, I wanted to avoid using lua.  But, it looks like that's going to be the easiest way to do this without having to create a separate partition for the GPUs.  Basically, check for at least one gpu in the job submission and if none exclude all GPU nodes for the job.


Now I'm wondering how to auto-gen the list of nodes with GPUs, so I don't have to remember to update job_submit.lua everytime we get new GPU nodes.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 4:06 PM Frank Pari <pa...@bc.edu> wrote:

    Hi all,

    First, thank you all for participating in this list. I've learned
    so much by just following in other's threads.  =)

    I'm looking at creating a scavenger partition with idle resources
    from CPU and GPU nodes and I'd like to keep this to one
    partition.  But, I don't want CPU only jobs using up resources on
    the GPU nodes.

    I've seen suggestions for job/lua scripts.  But, I'm wondering if
    there's any other way to ensure a job has requested at least 1 gpu
    for the scheduler to assign that job to a GPU node.

    Thanks in advance!


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