
We have a dedicated partitions for GPUs (their name ends with _gpu) and simply 
forbid a job that is not requesting GPU resources to use this partition:

local function job_total_gpus(job_desc)
    -- return total number of GPUs allocated to the job
    -- there are many ways to request a GPU. This comes from the job_submit 
example in the slurm source
    -- a GPU resource is either nil or "gres:gpu:N", with N the number of GPUs 

    -- pick relevant job resources for GPU spec (undefined resources can show 
limit values)
    gpu_specs = {
        ['tres_per_node'] = 1,
        ['tres_per_task'] = 1,
        ['tres_per_socket'] = 1,
        ['tres_per_job'] = 1,

    -- number of nodes
    if job_desc['min_nodes'] < 0xFFFFFFFE then gpu_specs['tres_per_node'] = 
job_desc['min_nodes'] end
    -- number of tasks
    if job_desc['num_tasks'] < 0xFFFFFFFE then gpu_specs['tres_per_task'] = 
job_desc['num_tasks'] end
    -- number of sockets
    if job_desc['sockets_per_node'] < 0xFFFE then gpu_specs['tres_per_socket'] 
= job_desc['sockets_per_node'] end
    gpu_specs['tres_per_socket'] = gpu_specs['tres_per_socket'] * 

    gpu_options = {}
    for tres_name, _ in pairs(gpu_specs) do
        local num_gpus = string.match(tostring(job_desc[tres_name]), 
"^gres:gpu:([0-9]+)") or 0
        gpu_options[tres_name] = tonumber(num_gpus)
    -- calculate total GPUs
    for tres_name, job_res in pairs(gpu_specs) do
        local num_gpus = gpu_options[tres_name]
        if num_gpus > 0 then
            total_gpus = num_gpus * tonumber(job_res)
            return total_gpus
    return 0

function slurm_job_submit(job_desc, part_list, submit_uid)
    local total_gpus = job_total_gpus(job_desc)
    slurm.log_debug("Job total number of GPUs: %s", tostring(total_gpus));

    if total_gpus == 0 then
        for partition in string.gmatch(tostring(job_desc.partition), '([^,]+)') 
            if string.match(partition, '_gpu$') then
                slurm.log_user(string.format('ERROR: GPU partition %s is not 
allowed for non-GPU jobs.', partition))
                return ESLURM_INVALID_GRES

    return slurm.SUCCESS


On 29/03/2023 01:24, Frank Pari wrote:
Well, I wanted to avoid using lua.  But, it looks like that's going to be the 
easiest way to do this without having to create a separate partition for the 
GPUs.  Basically, check for at least one gpu in the job submission and if none 
exclude all GPU nodes for the job.


Now I'm wondering how to auto-gen the list of nodes with GPUs, so I don't have 
to remember to update job_submit.lua everytime we get new GPU nodes.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 4:06 PM Frank Pari <pa...@bc.edu <mailto:pa...@bc.edu>> 

    Hi all,

    First, thank you all for participating in this list.  I've learned so much 
by just following in other's threads.  =)

    I'm looking at creating a scavenger partition with idle resources from CPU 
and GPU nodes and I'd like to keep this to one partition.  But, I don't want 
CPU only jobs using up resources on the GPU nodes.

    I've seen suggestions for job/lua scripts.  But, I'm wondering if there's 
any other way to ensure a job has requested at least 1 gpu for the scheduler to 
assign that job to a GPU node.

    Thanks in advance!


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