I've been looking at it for classroom type reservations, but I ran into a bug 
where jobs that weren't eligible to access the reservation were being attracted 
to it anyway.  That's supposed to be fixed in 20.02.6.  See 
https://bugs.schedmd.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9593 for details.


On 9/25/20, 10:49 AM, "slurm-users on behalf of Bas van der Vlies" 
<slurm-users-boun...@lists.schedmd.com on behalf of bas.vandervl...@surf.nl> 

    Are people using the MAGNETIC reservation flag? My question would be how? 
because to my it would be more useful if the reservation is tried first and 
then the free nodes. 
    That is what I expected with the MAGNETIC flag.
    Bas van der Vlies
    | Operations, Support & Development | SURFsara | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG 
    | T +31 (0) 20 800 1300  | bas.vandervl...@surf.nl | 
    > On 24 Sep 2020, at 12:16, Bas van der Vlies <bas.vandervl...@surf.nl> 
    > We have installed slurm 20.02.5 and I am trying to use this new 
reservation flag
    >  * 
    > From this page I understand that the job will land in the reservation 
even if we
    > did not specify the 
    > reservation name.  I tested it on our cluster setup but it does not seems 
    > work as expected
    > I create a reservation for 1 node for user bas with flag magnetic. I 
submit a
    > job and to my surprise the job is scheduled on a free node and not on the 
    > in the reservation. It is only scheduled in the reservation if all nodes 
    > occupied. Is this the default behaviour or did a miss a setting?
    > I have set all available nodes offline except the reservation node and 
then I
    > see this:
    > ```
    > bas@batch2:~/src$ srun -N1 --pty /bin/bash
    > srun: Required node not available (down, drained or reserved)
    > srun: job 1713 queued and waiting for resources
    > srun: job 1713 has been allocated resources
    > ```
    > From this I see that the "magentic" reservation is considered as last.
    > regards
    > -- 
    > --
    > Bas van der Vlies
    > | Operations, Support & Development | SURF | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG 
    > Amsterdam
    > | T +31 (0) 20 800 1300 | bas.vandervl...@surf.nl | 

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