One of the main guy Panos left Bright so no answer to your specific question 
but I hope you can get some support with it.  We dumped our BC PoC,  the 
sysadmin working on the PoC still has nightmares.

On 2/13/19, 6:54 AM, "slurm-users on behalf of John Hearns" 
< on behalf of> 

    Yugendra,  the Bright support guys are excellent. 
    Slurm is their default choice. I would ask again. Yes, Slurm is technically 
out of scope for them, but they shoudl help a bit.
    By the way, I think your problem is that you have configured authentication 
using AD on your head node.
    BUT you have not confiured it ont he compute node images. You probably have 
to prepare a new compute node image then push that otu to the compute nodes.
    On Wed, 13 Feb 2019 at 12:35, Yugendra Guvvala 
<> wrote:
    Also reached out to bright computing support and they say slurm is out of 
scope for them. 
    On Feb 13, 2019, at 7:27 AM, Antony Cleave <> wrote:
    can you ssh to the compute node that job was trying to run on as as the AD 
user in question?
    I've  seen similar issues on AD integrated systems where some nodes boot 
from a different image that have not yet been joined to the domain.
    On Wed, 13 Feb 2019 at 04:58, Yugendra Guvvala 
<> wrote:
    We are bringing a new cluster online. We installed SLURM through Bright 
Cluster Manager how ever we are running into a issue here. 
    We are able to run jobs as root user and users created using bright cluster 
(cmsh commands). How ever we use AD authentication for all our users and when 
we try to submit jobs to slurm using AD users we are getting following error 
    srun: fatal: Invalid user id: 10952
    srun: fatal: Invalid user id: 10952
    srun: error: cnode001: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
    Attached is the slurm.con file for reference. Please let us know if you 
have any insight into this. 
    Yugendra Guvvala | HPC Technologist  | Cambridge Computer  | "Artists
     in Data Storage" 
    Direct: 781-250-3273  | Cell: 806-773-4464  |  | 

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