On 2/13/19 1:14 PM, Yugendra Guvvala wrote:
Thank you, this is strange. Is there a way to integrate AD authentication with 
SLURM or Munge. Or allow all users who login to run jobs with out any 
restrictions .

Integration of Slurm with LDAP accounts have been implemented at EPFL in Switzerland. You can read the Slurm user group talk "Technical: Keeping Accounts Consistent Across Clusters Using LDAP and YAML, Christian Clémençon, Ewan Roche, Ricardo Silva (EPFL)" in the page https://slurm.schedmd.com/publications.html

Ewan Roche and colleagues have made their software available in this page: https://c4science.ch/source/slurm-accounts/

Ole Holm Nielsen
PhD, Senior HPC Officer
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

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