Hi Alfredo,

You can have a look at using https://github.com/eth-cscs/GREASY . It was
developed before array-jobs were supported in slurm and it will do exactly
what you want.


On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 3:33 PM Alfredo Quevedo <maquevedo....@gmail.com>

> thank you Michael for the feedback, my scenario is the following: I want
> to run a job array of (lets say) 30 jobs. So I setted the slurm input as
> follows:
> #SBATCH --array=1-104%30
> #SBATCH --ntasks=1
> however only 4 jobs within the array are launched at a time due to the
> allowed max number of jobs as setted in the slurm configuration (4). As
> a workaround to the issued, the sysadmin suggested me to request the
> resources, and afterwards distribute the resources asigned into a
> multiple set of single CPU task. I believe that with the solution you
> mentioned only 30 (out of the 104) jobs will be finished?
> thanks
> Alfredo
> El 19/12/2018 a las 11:15, Renfro, Michael escribió:
> > Literal job arrays are built into Slurm:
> https://slurm.schedmd.com/job_array.html
> >
> > Alternatively, if you wanted to allocate a set of CPUs for a parallel
> task, and then run a set of single-CPU tasks in the same job, something
> like:
> >
> >    #!/bin/bash
> >    #SBATCH --ntasks=30
> >    srun --ntasks=${SLURM_NTASKS} hostname
> >
> > is one way of doing it. If that’s not what you’re looking for, some
> other details would be needed.
> >

Carles Fenoy

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