Literal job arrays are built into Slurm:

Alternatively, if you wanted to allocate a set of CPUs for a parallel task, and 
then run a set of single-CPU tasks in the same job, something like:

  #SBATCH --ntasks=30
  srun --ntasks=${SLURM_NTASKS} hostname

is one way of doing it. If that’s not what you’re looking for, some other 
details would be needed.

Mike Renfro, PhD / HPC Systems Administrator, Information Technology Services
931 372-3601     / Tennessee Tech University

> On Dec 18, 2018, at 11:03 AM, Alfredo Quevedo <> wrote:
> Dear slurm users,
> I would like to know if it is possible to prepare a slurm submission
> script in a way that initially CPU resources are requested (lets say 30
> CPUs), and afterwards, the assigned resources are used to launch an
> array of 30 single CPU jobs array? I would greatly appreciate any hint
> in this respect
> Thanks in advance
> Alfredo

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