Suppose a slum configuration with -Number of Nodes=1, number of cores=20, memory=128GB -SelectType=select/cons_res -SelectTypeParameters=CR_Core_Memory
1) Is OverSubscribe=NO the default value generally? 2) Does OverSubscribe=NO mean that at each core only one job can be allocated but at the same node i can have different jobs allocated at different cores? 3) In sbatch --mem and --mem-per-cpu are mutually exclusive. This means that each time i can use only one of them? What if i use them both in sbatch command? 4) Sbatch documentation says that for SelectType=select/cons_res the --mem-per-cpu parameter should generally be used (instead of --mem that should be used in SelectType=select/linear). What if --mem parameter is used in SelectType=select/cons_res? For example, i run a job with sbatch in one node, with only 1 core (1 task per cpu) and --mem=125GB. How much memory will it use? (suppose no other job is running) 5) If DefMemPerCPU and MaxMemPerCPU are not set in slurm.conf, then what are the default values? Thanx a lot