After 9 months of development and testing we are pleased to announce the
availability of Slurm version 18.08.0!
Downloads are available from
Thank you to all customers, partners, and community members who
contributed to getting this release done. A list of contributors follows
at the end of this message.
As with past releases, the documentation available at has been updated to the 18.08 release. Past
versions are available in the archive. This release also marks the end
of support for the 17.02 release. The 17.11 release will remain
supported up until the 19.05 release next spring, but will stop
receiving as frequent updates, and bug-fixes will be targeted for the
18.08 maintenance releases going forward.
Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support
Highlights of this release include (an extended list is available in the
-- Add support for parenthesis in an advanced reservation or job constraint
specification to group like options together. For example:
--constraint="[(knl&snc4&flat)*4&haswell*1]" might be used to specify that
four nodes with the features "knl", "snc4" and "flat" plus one node with
the feature "haswell" are required. Nodes with those features currently
available will be favored.
-- Heterogeneous job steps allocations supported with
* Open MPI (with Slurm's PMI2 and PMIx plugins) and
* Intel MPI (with Slurm's PMI2 plugin)
* No support for Cray systems at this time.
-- Disable local PTY output processing when using 'srun --unbuffered'. This
prevents the PTY subsystem from inserting extraneous \r characters into
the output stream.
-- Changed slurmd.service file to include "" in "After" option.
-- The default AuthType for slurmdbd is now "auth/munge".
Slurm 18.08 includes contributions by (alphabetically by last name):
> Danny Auble, Dan Barke, Dominik Bartkiewicz, Jason Booth, Bill Brophy,
> Thomas Cadeau, Brian Christiansen, Jeff Frey, Broderick Gardner,
> Marshall Garey, Isaac Hartung, Michael Hinton, Doug Jacobsen,
> Morris Jette, Boris Karasev, Ben Matthews, Felip Moll,
> Jessica Nettelblad, Artem Polyakov, Alejandro Sanchez,
> Marcin Stolarek, Tim Wickberg, Yair Yarom