On 15.06.22 06:03, Kiss Gabor (Bitman) wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Jun 2022, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
>> Am I understanding correctly and you're saying that even with the server
>> down he sent the GDPR notice to you?
> The last keydump is available yet. However I can't imagine how
> did he find the 16 keys in the 12 GiB compressed binary mess-up.
> And moreover how will I do?

The problem is that the entity processing the data (e.g. stores them) is
responsible for deletion the possbility to connect the data to a person.
Actually, I don't know in which way one has to prove the act *legally*
(aka to be accepted in court); but one is responsible to make the data
unable to be connected to a person. IMHO it would be enough to strip any
person-identifying information (the uid's  alone ??) from a PGP key.
To delete the data is just one way to make it un-connectable.


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