
Am I understanding correctly and you're saying that even with the server
down he sent the GDPR notice to you?

I'll laugh if I suddenly receive one for my previous SKS server that ran
and has been offline for several years now. Being a non-EU operator I'd be
inclined to say pound sand.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 3:38 PM Kiss Gabor (Bitman) <>

> > > IMHO Mr. Puerto must show some evidence first about the key to delete
> > > belongs to him. Otherwise any impostor can make delete other guys'
> > > key.
> >
> > I thought the same thing and asked him (privately) to resend his request
> > in a PGP-signed email, which he did, so this is legit.
> Gee. I'm also found by the alleged Luis Puerto who wants me to delete
> not less than 16 public keys even if is down for
> a year or two. I hope he possesses all the secret keys
> because he has to read 16 encrypted mails soon...
> Gabor


Jeremy T. Bouse

Sr. DevOps Engineer

678.348.0867 <>


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