Marco Schmidt <> writes:

> I was a bit confused about the many repos I found:
> 1. darcs
> 2. gitlab
> 3. sourceforge
> 4. rpm repo (actully I never saw this)

There's no code repo currently at SF, basically just downloads, as I
haven't had time to sort it out.  The rpm one (documented somewhere) is
just for Fedora/EPEL package installation.  gitlab mirrors* as it says.

> At one point we decided to take the Darcs Repo as the master and we made
> an EXACT copy of the Darcs Repo, without losing anything. We proofed
> this by using "diff".

If you want a git repo, why not use the existing one?

> The Darcs-Git clone shows errors on "git fsck", because Git is
> complaining about missing email-addresses of authors.

I don't know why that's a problem -- I'm not aware of one.  If you
modified changes, I assume they're now incompatible.

> This is why I decided to use "darcs-to-git"

I've never heard of that.

> I have no idea how the issues and other things could be migrated to
> gitlab. I would love to keep the history !

Yes, and there's more than (multiple) source repos.  I went to
considerable trouble to save stuff from sunsource, and still didn't get
a proper complete history of issues (including closed ones).

> From my point of view it was important to save the source in case
> Liverpool shuts down the "Trac".

I hope they wouldn't do that without telling me, though it's now
somewhat broken.  I found by chance I can currently push changes there,
and have done a largely-untested batch, but the hook for updating issues
etc. painfully regenerates the history each time, and is failing to
update issues, at least.
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