Dave, it's good that you're still around!

I definitely don't want to steal ownership of the project from Dave,
since he has a vast amount of knowledge that would be impractical for
me to acquire.

Dave, how would you feel about us making you an owner of the github
repo and starting the process of moving the "home" of the project to
github?  I know there will be teething troubles and we need to find a
way to import the old history, but we could start work on it.  We
haven't really done any real development yet-- mostly just importing
some existing stuff, so it would be 100% practical to just erase what
we did and do it the "right" way under your guidance.

I feel like even if it creates some problems in the short term, in the
long term it's going to be helpful because few people are familiar
with darcs, and when eventually you do give this up, it will make it
easier to transition ownership to a younger generation.


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:45 PM, Marco Schmidt <marco.schm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Dave!
> Welcome back to the list!
> To answer your question about the repo:
> I was a bit confused about the many repos I found:
> 1. darcs
> 2. gitlab
> 3. sourceforge
> 4. rpm repo (actully I never saw this)
> At one point we decided to take the Darcs Repo as the master and we made
> an EXACT copy of the Darcs Repo, without losing anything. We proofed
> this by using "diff".
> The Darcs-Git clone shows errors on "git fsck", because Git is
> complaining about missing email-addresses of authors.
> This is why I decided to use "darcs-to-git" where I was able to add an
> email-addresses to any author. Not the correct email-address, because we
> do not know these, but at least a generic email-address.
> This is the current status at:
> https://github.com/son-of-gridengine/sge
> Personally I have no preference for Github (I have my own Gitlab
> instance running).
> I have no idea how the issues and other things could be migrated to
> gitlab. I would love to keep the history !
> From my point of view it was important to save the source in case
> Liverpool shuts down the "Trac".
> Greetings ...
>  Marco
> Am 24.05.2018 um 17:12 schrieb Dave Love:
>> Daniel Povey <dpo...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Everyone,
>>> Since the Son of GridEngine maintainer, Dave Love, seems to be MIA,
>> It's conventional to be allowed a couple of weeks, and it can be
>> difficult to read work email these days...  I lost access to the repo at
>> Liverpool due to not being able to work around unhelpful policy.  I was
>> interrupted moving stuff to Sourceforge by their infrastraucture
>> troubles, and wasn't able to get back to it after that stabilized.  (I'd
>> like to have re-sited the Trac/Darcs instance, like SF used to support,
>> but don't feel like paying for hosting myself.)
>> Anyhow, you can see fixes for recent distributions in the rpm
>> repository, and I'm trying to prepare a new release, despite the general
>> lack of incentive.  It's partly hamstrung by not being able to test
>> properly these days.  I'll try to sort out pushing to a new repo soon,
>> but it requires non-trivial reconciling of darcs and git/mercurial
>> branches.  I'll also attempt to sort something out at Liverpool -- at
>> least re-directing mail.
>>> I
>>> have initiated a discussion on the gridengine-users mailing list here
>>>   http://gridengine.org/pipermail/users/2018-May/thread.html
>>> about creating a project on GitHub that will take up the torch from
>>> the current team.
>> I'd have expected something initially on the project list.  (There has
>> never been a team, unfortunately, but thanks, Mark, in particular.)
>>> Search for 'Son of GridEngine succession'.  There
>>> is some discussion about the name there, and at the bottom of the
>>> thread you'll find a reference to a Doodle poll for what the project
>>> should be called.
>>> I thought I should post about it on this list as well, in case there
>>> is anyone involved in the maintenance of Son of GridEngine who is on
>>> that list but not on the gridengine-users list.  Also I wonder if
>>> anyone could weigh in on whether people in the original Son of
>>> GridEngine team would get upset if we used the same name "Son of
>>> GridEngine"-- since that is the name choice that seems to be leading
>>> in the poll right now.
>> It's free software with not trademark, but I'm afraid it will be
>> confusing in the short term to have multiple versions of the source and
>> other artefacts in different places.  (The name was carefully chosen in
>> the hacker spirit when Oracle's proprietary interest was unclear.)
>> I'm not clear what the provenance of
>> https://github.com/son-of-gridengine/sge is, and why it apparently
>> wasn't just pulled from the git mirror at Liverpool.  The main branch
>> contains patches that won't be in the planned release -- I think at lest
>> one is broken, and others caused problems I hadn't resolved.  There are
>> actually clashes between patches in the development and release
>> branches, as alluded to above.
>> I'm happy for someone to take over maintenance (to the extent it's
>> relevant these days, which seems to be not much).  However, I'd like it
>> done properly cleanly, specifically maintaining everything like the
>> issue history, and other source and documentation.  (There's actually
>> some stuff, like a version of closed issues from sunsource and the
>> pre-version 6 source, that I never did put up.)  I worry that people
>> don't appreciate the need for history that becomes apparent during
>> maintenance, especially with a horrible code base.
>> I can probably at least provide some guidance that looks as if it would
>> have been helpful, looking at issues on that repository.
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> marco.schm...@gmail.com
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