Then a boolean complex which is set to FORCED can be used:

$ qconf -mc
gpu          gpu        BOOL        ==      FORCED         NO         0        0

and attach it to the exechost's complex_values:

$ qconf -me gpu-node
complex_values gpu=TRUE

Users then have to request "-l gpu" (resp. the long form "-l gpu=TRUE") to 
access this node (independent from the queue(s) on this machine). Hopefully 
they only request this resource for their GPU-jobs. Otherwise it would be 
necessary to have a JSV in place and scan the submitted jobscript whether they 
call a GPU aware application.

-- Reuti

> Am 19.05.2017 um 16:36 schrieb
>> As William mentions below: are these nodes exclusively reserved for 
>> dedicated users, or should other users be able to use them, but not the GPU?
> One node, reserved for a user list. The problem is that those users run 
> non-gpu jobs and some of the jobs get put into the gpu node even though they 
> did not request a gpu.
> Juan

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