Hi all,

I want to switch from using qrsh directly to using a wrapper ('qrshx')
that gives me a session in which all the env vars set in qsub/qsh
sessions (e.g. JOB_ID) are defined:

$ cat /usr/local/scripts/qrshx
# ...
exec qrsh $( [ -z ${DISPLAY+x} ] || echo '-v DISPLAY' ) -pty y "$@" $SHELL

(from https://gist.github.com/willfurnass/10277756070c4f374e6149a281324841)

However, I find that using qrshx that unless I specify '-now n' I
don't get a session but attempts to start a qrsh session directly with
the same resource requests succeed.

[te1st@sharc-login1 ~]$ qrsh -P rse -l gpu=1
[te1st@sharc-node126 ~]$ # works

[te1st@sharc-login1 ~]$ qrshx -P rse -l gpu=1
[te1st@sharc-login1 ~]$ # failed

[te1st@sharc-login1 ~]$ qrshx -P rse -l gpu=1 -now n
[te1st@sharc-node126 ~]$ # works

Any thoughts on why this is the case?  FYI I get the following in our
qmaster log a few seconds after qrshx fails to start a session:

04/21/2017 13:50:47|worker|sharc-sge1|W|job 383717.1 failed on host
sharc-node126.shef.ac.uk assumedly after job because: job 383717.1
died through signal HUP (1)

Also, are others also using qrsh wrappers to make it more qsh-like
(but without the need to create new xterm windows)?



Dr Will Furnass | Research Software Engineer
Dept of Computer Science | University of Sheffield
https://rse.shef.ac.uk | @willfurnass | +44 (0) 22 21874
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