
I try to define a resource like described at


the example on that page is

>>In the rule defined below, both users can use together only 5g of

>>  limit users roland, andre to virtual_free=5g

so I do
qconf -mrqs poweruser

with the following content

   name         poweruser
   description  limit poweruser to N times 128 slots
   enabled      TRUE
   limit        users roland, andre to slots=256

but get an error (I do that with our real user names and not roland/andre):

unknown attribute name "andre"
unrecognized characters after the attribute values in line 5: "to"

My aim: to restrict the usage of a group of "powerusers" to N times 128
slots to prevent them "taking over" the cluster.

I tried with and without "," and using { } but there is always an error
if I add more than one user, one user is fine, but not what I want.

any suggestions or other ways to formulate it?

Thanks a lot


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