On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 10:54:07AM +0530, Himanshu Joshi wrote:
>      If so then that sounds like something else
>      is using the port the sge_execd is trying to use.  Also 1024 isn't the
>      default
>      port for sge_execd.  Did you deliberately set it to something unusual
>      when
>      running inst_sge?
>    I have no idea about this discrepancy, At the time of running inst_sge I
>    have used
>    sge_qmaster 6444/tcp
>    and
>    sge_execd 6445/tcp
>    Thus, my /etc/services file reads
>    sge_qmaster     6444/tcp  sge-qmaster   # Grid Engine Qmaster Service
>    sge_qmaster     6444/udp  sge-qmaster   # Grid Engine Qmaster Service
>    sge_execd       6445/tcp  sge-execd     # Grid Engine Execution Service
>    sge_execd       6445/udp  sge-execd     # Grid Engine Execution Service
>      If you have fuser installed then something like fuser -v 1024/tcp should
>      give you
>      the name of the process that is listening there.
>    this command lists
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/7: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/78: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/79: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/80: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/81: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/82: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/83: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/84: Permission denied
>    Cannot stat file /proc/13859/fd/85: Permission denied
>                         USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
>    1024/tcp:            root       7407 F.... sge_qmaster
Well the evidence suggests that something has set both the qmaster and the 
execd to try 
to listen on port 1024 which won't work if they are on the same machine.  
The port can be set via environment variables which I think will override the 
enties in /etc/service.

As root:
env |grep 'SGE_.*_PORT' 
should list the variables that control the ports used.

You should probably unset them (as you are using csh the unsetenv command 
should do that).
and restart both the qmaster and execd.


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