On Mon, 18 Nov 2024 14:35:41 GMT, Roman Kennke <rken...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> @rkennke Ok, fair enough. As far as I know, we at Oracle do not super care 
>>> about strict alignment `AlignVector`. But maybe other people care, and have 
>>> to make that tradeoff between vectorization and small object headers.
>> BTW, this problem is not specific to UseCompactObjectHeaders - I think the 
>> same problem would happen with -UseCompressedClassPointers. With 
>> uncompressed class-pointers, byte[] would start at offset 20, while long[] 
>> start at offset 24. But nobody cares about -UCCP I think.
>> What is the failure mode, though? When running with -UCOH and +AlignVector, 
>> would it crash or misbehave? Or would it (silently?) not vectorize? I think 
>> we could live with the latter, but not with the former.
>> @rkennke It just will (silently) not vectorize, thus running slower but 
>> still correct.
> Ok, I think we can live with that for now.
> As said elsewhere, we are currently working on 4-byte-headers, which would 
> make that problem go away.
> The tests need fixing, though.

> @rkennke
> > As said elsewhere, we are currently working on 4-byte-headers, which would 
> > make that problem go away.
> Ah. So we would eventually have not a `12-byte` but `8-byte` offset from base 
> to payload? Would that happen in all cases? And could that happen before 
> `UseCompactObjectHeaders` leaves experimental status? Because it is going to 
> be a little annoying to adjust all vectorization tests for the special case 
> of `UseCompactObjectHeaders + AlignVector`. Though I can surely do it.

I am not sure if and when this is going to happen. When I presented the idea at 
JVMLS, I got some resistance. I am also not sure if we first leave experimental 
status for UCOH, and then introduce 4-byte headers under a new flag (or no 
flag?), or if we first do 4-byte headers and only leave experimental status 
once that is done. The latter sounds more reasonable to me.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20677#issuecomment-2483304257

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