On Thu, 24 Oct 2024 16:07:50 GMT, Larry Cable <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> the implementation I originally provided does not in fact solve the issue!
> the attach protocol initiation "handshake" requires that the "attacher" (the 
> caller of this code) and the "attachee"(the target JVM to be "attached" to) 
> *must* share a "/tmp" (or access to the attachee's `cwd`)  in common in order 
> to rendezvous on the "attach" socket (created in the /tmp or attachee `cwd` 
> filesystem).
> "attacher" and "attachee" JVM processes are guaranteed to share a common 
> directory/filesystem when thy occupy the same "mount namespace", this is the 
> environment in which "peers" exist, and the attach
> handshake (initiated by the attacher) can use "/tmp" to establish the socket 
> connection with the attachee.
> with the advent of "containers" (implemented in Linux via various namespaces, 
> e.g.: pid & mount) another "attacher" and "attachee" relationship exists, 
> that of "attacher" (namespace ancestor) and "attachee" (namespace descendant).
> in this environment it is possible (and highly probable) that the "attacher" 
> and the "attachee" do not share a directory in common.
> In this scenario the "attacher" must resort to handshaking with the attachee 
> via the /proc filesystem in order to access the "attachee's" directory from 
> the "attacher".
> In order to achieve this rendezvous, the "attachee" must occupy a descendant, 
> or same, (pid) namespace of, or as, the "attacher".
> since (pid) namespaces are hierarchical, a descendant process (in its own 
> descendent pid namespace) will also occupy all its ancestor (pid) namespaces 
> (between it and the 'root' or 'host' pid namespace) with a unique pid in each 
> of those "interstitial" (pid) namespace(s).
> thus the "attachee" directory is accessible, via an "ancestor's" (or peer's) 
> /proc filesystem using the pid of the "attachee" that is associated with it 
> in that (pid) namespace.
> thus an "ancestor" "attacher" can handshake with a descendant "attachee" in 
> this fashion.
> therefore an "attacher" has two choices when attempting to attach:
> - use the /proc/<pid>/root/tmp path to the "attachee's" /tmp (or its cwd)
>   - this works with both peers and descendants
> - use /tmp
>   - this only works if the "attacher" and "attachee" share a /tmp in common
> the obvious choice is to default to /proc/<pid>/root/tmp (or cwd) however 
> there is an issue with this; should the attachee have elevated privileges, 
> the attacher may not have r/w permission on the attachee's /proc/<pid>/root 
> (or cwd) path.
> In these circumstances, the "attacher" can only resort to /tmp wh...

src/jdk.attach/linux/classes/sun/tools/attach/VirtualMachineImpl.java line 330:

> 328:     private static final long SIGQUIT = 1L << 2;
> 329: 
> 330:     private static boolean checkCatchesAndSendQuitTo(int pid, boolean 
> throwIfNotReady) throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException {

Looks like the throwIfNotReady param is not needed, can be removed.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/21688#discussion_r1819178799

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