On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 19:37:51 GMT, Sebastian Lövdahl <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The fix is twofold.
>> 1. Stop the main container after an iteration is done. The main container is 
>> started with its runtime defined as 120 seconds, which means that each 
>> iteration takes 120 seconds. In reality, one iteration takes a few seconds 
>> while 115 seconds is spent waiting on the main container exiting.
>> 2. Change the name of the main container to be unique per iteration. 
>> Containers are started with `--rm`, which means they are removed after 
>> exiting. However, the removal is done asynchronously _after_ the `stop` 
>> command has returned. This means that the second iteration may get an error 
>> if the same container name is used if the removal was not done before the 
>> container is started in the next iteration.
>> On my machine, this cuts down the test runtime using Podman from 4m 13s to 
>> 17s. Using Docker, the runtime goes from 4m 15s to 41s.
>> Podman only runs half the test cases (since JDK-8341310) which explain some 
>> of the difference. But there is also something strange going on in the 
>> Docker case; every `docker stop` call takes 10 seconds, and I have not been 
>> able to figure out what exactly causes it.
>> Doing a manual `kill [container Java process PID]` gracefully terminates the 
>> Java process and container, but `docker stop` never does. Instead, it blocks 
>> for 10 seconds before abruptly killing the process using `SIGKILL`. I 
>> confirmed this with a simplified case and both
>> `strace -e 'trace=!all' docker run --init eclipse-temurin:23 java ..` and 
>> `strace -e 'trace=!all' docker run eclipse-temurin:23 java ..`, no signals 
>> were ever visible when calling either `docker stop` or `docker kill`.
>> https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-best-practices-choosing-between-run-cmd-and-entrypoint/
>>  and "What is PID 1 and why does it matter?" talks about why 
>> [`--init`](https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/container/run/#init) 
>> is supposed to help.
> Sebastian Lövdahl has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   Have EventGeneratorLoop end after a more predictable duration

test/hotspot/jtreg/containers/docker/EventGeneratorLoop.java line 58:

> 56:             ev.msg = "Hello";
> 57:             ev.count = count++;
> 58:             ev.commit();

@kevinjwalls what do you think? I chose `System.nanoTime()` instead of 
`System.currentTimeMillis()` to get an even more predictable duration. 

Before this change, `EventGeneratorLoop` was guaranteed to post the same number 
of events as the input argument. It no longer is, but AFAICT no current test 
uses the events it posts either.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/21331#discussion_r1790777201

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