On Thu, 8 Aug 2024 21:05:00 GMT, Leonid Mesnik <lmes...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > FYI, this is what the (entire) debuggee output looks like for this test:
> > ```
> > Deuggee output:
> > ```
> Should we see the same report for CTRL+\ or after sending SIGQUIT signal? I 
> see it should cause this request.

Yes, I believe so. In fact during testing I think more than once I saw the dump 
just by issuing a random jcmd. I believe what happened is the debug agent had 
suspended all threads so that the attach would time out (due to Signal Handler 
thread being suspended). The failure_handler would timeout a number of jcmds in 
sequence. I think this causes a number of SIGQUIT signals to queue up. Once the 
debugger eventually resumed all threads, the first SIGQUIT would cause the 
attach listener to start up, and subsequent ones caused a thread dump and data 
dump. Kind of strange, but doesn't really have anything to with my changes, and 
I've seen thread dumps like this before due to attach issues.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20367#issuecomment-2276668328

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