On Wed, 15 May 2024 22:44:03 GMT, Serguei Spitsyn <sspit...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Running JConsole from a previous JDK, and attaching to jdk-23 (after 
>> [JDK-8326666](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8326666): Remove the Java 
>> Management Extension (JMX) Subject Delegation feature), the MBean tab is 
>> blank.
>> In javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnectionImpl.java:
>> addNotificationListener rejects a non-null delegationSubjects array, but 
>> older JDKs will send such an array. It could accept the array, and only 
>> reject/throw if it contains a non-null Subject (i.e. if an attempt to use 
>> subject delegation is really happening).
>> Manually testing JConsole, the MBean tab is fully populated and usable.
> src/java.management.rmi/share/classes/javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnectionImpl.java
>  line 979:
>> 977:             for (Subject s: delegationSubjects) {
>> 978:                 if (s != null) {
>> 979:                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Subject 
>> Delegation has been removed.");
> Q1: Would it make sense to provide any details about the non-null 
> `delegationSubject` element?
> Q2: Does this fix needs a CSR? My guess is that this issue is very minor, so 
> CSR is not needed.

Q1 We have a couple of places where we use that text, when a non-null Subject 
is given.  It's quite generic and that is a good fit.  Your app would have to 
go to a significant effort to use the Subject Delegation feature, and we aren't 
aware of any apps that use it.  If JConsole were using the feature, you would 
know as you would have had to specifically configure it somehow (as well as on 
the remote end with SM and policies), so I really think the generic message is 
explicit enough.

Q2 Yes, Daniel very quickly added the CSR flag.  I was presuming that 
"paperwork" would need doing, although yes as spec changes go, it is very very 


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19253#discussion_r1602917924

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