On Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:29:47 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The default value for the argument is what gets displayed in the help text. 
>> For example:
>> ThreadDumpToFileDCmd::ThreadDumpToFileDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) :
>>                                            DCmdWithParser(output, heap),
>>   _overwrite("-overwrite", "May overwrite existing file", "BOOLEAN", false, 
>> "false"),
>>   _format("-format", "Output format ("plain" or "json")", "STRING", false, 
>> "plain"),
>>   _filepath("filepath", "The file path to the output file", "STRING", true) {
>>   _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_overwrite);
>>   _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_option(&_format);
>>   _dcmdparser.add_dcmd_argument(&_filepath);
>> }
>> And the help text:
>> Options: (options must be specified using the <key> or <key>=<value> syntax)
>>      -overwrite : [optional] May overwrite existing file (BOOLEAN, false)
>>      -format : [optional] Output format ("plain" or "json") (STRING, plain)
>> The help output that indicates that "plain" is the default format comes from 
>> the intialization of the _format argument. There is no separate help text.
> Ugghh! So the help text is an actual stringification of the actual default 
> value of the "field", whereas in this case the real default value comes from 
> passing null to `CodeCache::write_perf_map`. So we need this hack to deal 
> with that. That is truly awful IMO. The only way to cleanly address that is 
> to expand things so that you can set an actual help string to be used.

This check is problematic:

if (strncmp(filename, DEFAULT_PERFMAP_FILENAME, 

Because it cannot tell whether `filename` was explicitly given by the user. As 
a result, if the user specifies:

jcmd 1234 perfmap '/tmp/perf-<pid>.map'

the file will be written as `/tmp/perf-1234.map`, but if the user specifies

jcmd 1234 perfmap '/tmp/<pid>-perf.map'

then the file will be written as  `/tmp/<pid>-perf.map`.

This gives the confusing impression that the string `<pid>` is sometimes 
substituted and sometimes not.

I think it's better to do this (similarly for the `VM.cds` case):

void PerfMapDCmd::execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) {
  CodeCache::write_perf_map(_filename.is_set() ? _filename.value() : nullptr);

This essentially makes the JVM behavior exactly the same as before, so I think 
we can change the JBS issue title to something like "Clarify docs for filename 
parameter to Compiler.perfmap and VM.cds".


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17359#discussion_r1451918737

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