On Thu, 26 Oct 2023 21:01:53 GMT, Jonathan Joo <j...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> 8315149: Add hsperf counters for CPU time of internal GC threads
> Jonathan Joo has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Remove StringDedup from GC thread list

> For tools like AHS that reads these CPU hsperf counters, they could read 
> these CPU data every 1 to 5 seconds.

Okay, these counters can be accessed frequently, but is it necessary for them 
to provide up-to-date information on every access? If not, what level of delay 
is acceptable? I assume this depends on how often AHS resizes the heap. (In the 
Parallel case, I believe the counters can be outdated for the duration of the 

My primary concern is that the change in G1 is too intrusive -- the logic for 
tracking/collecting thread-CPU is scattered in many places. Additionally, the 
situation is expected to worsen in the near future, based on the statement "I 
can create a separate RFE to make it update more frequently..."

Also, why isn't `G1ServiceThread` part of the change? I would expect all 
subclasses of `ConcurrentGCThread` to be taken into account. Is this omission 

Finally, thread-CPU time is something tracked at the OS level, so it's a bit 
odd that one has to instrument the VM to get that information.

> - Looking into the `/proc/` method, it also is not super intuitive as to 
> which value corresponds to GC time, and it might be difficult to reliably 
> identify all PIDs of the relevant GC threads.

According to https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html, "(14) utime" + 
"(15) stime  %lu" == thread-cpu-time. `cat /proc/<java-pid>/task/*/stat` lists 
all VM internal threads, including GC, JIT, and etc.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15082#issuecomment-1782969884

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