On Mon, 18 Sep 2023 09:54:18 GMT, Axel Boldt-Christmas <abold...@openjdk.org> wrote:
> ObjectMonitorIterator fails to return the most resent monitor added. It start > with returning the `nextOM()` ObjectMonitor from the `_head` ObjectMonitor > but fails to ever return the `_head` ObjectMonitor. > The current implementation can also not handle that the `_head` is nullptr > (no monitors in the system) and returns a null ObjectMonitorIterator. Which > is interpreted as `monitor list not supported, too old hotspot VM`. > > Changed the iterator to keep return the current monitor (starts with `_head`) > and decoupled `_head == nullptr` from the question if ObjectMonitorIterator > is supported. > > Testing: > * Passes all `serviceability/sa` tests > * Currently running tier 1-3 > * Currently running GHA CDS tests are not happy with changing the class hierarchy of the LingeredApp. Unless it is easily solved for the CDS test I will revert those changes and have the 'TestObjectMonitorIterate' just do a less precise check of a lock on a Object. In the current JDK for LM_LEGACY and LM_LIGHTWEIGHT the `steadyStateObj` is the only object with a monitor when the SA agent queries. ------------- PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15782#issuecomment-1723259794