On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 16:20:12 GMT, Archie L. Cobbs <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ThisEscapeAnalyzer.java
>>  line 218:
>>> 216:         new TreeScanner() {
>>> 217: 
>>> 218:             private Lint lint = ThisEscapeAnalyzer.this.lint;
>> On a first look I'm not sure about the granularity of suppression here. I 
>> believe that suppressing at the class level, or at the constructor level is 
>> enough. Allowing to further annotate var declarations and non-constructor 
>> methods, while doable, might actually be counter productive - in the sense 
>> that the annotation does not occur in the constructor (where you'd want to 
>> see it) but in some other method. I think the fact that a constructor is 
>> escaping (willingly) should be a visible thing. Something to consider.
> Two things...
> We need to support annotations on field declarations because their 
> initializers are effectively mini-constructors. But we don't need it on local 
> variables, parameters, etc. - too confusing.
> For annotations on methods, yes it's debatable. It can be handy if you have 
> e.g. an `init()` method that all of your constructors invoke. However, I 
> agree it's also confusing, so I will remove.
> But we should keep the notion that if a constructor invokes `this()`, and the 
> invoked constructor has annotations suppressed, then we skip over the 
> constructor invocation.
> I will make these updates.

Yep - I guess there's a general theme of "where do we want the warnings to be 
reported". My general feeling is that reporting a warning on the constructor 
might be enough - but I see that you try to generate a warning in the exact 
spot where the leakage happens - which I'm not sure if it's ok, or too clever.

>> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ThisEscapeAnalyzer.java
>>  line 270:
>>> 268:                     final boolean analyzable = 
>>> this.currentClassIsExternallyExtendable() &&
>>> 269:                         TreeInfo.isConstructor(tree) &&
>>> 270:                         !tree.sym.isPrivate() &&
>> Why aren't private constructors analyzed? If we have a class with a private 
>> constructor and public static factory invoking said constructor, and the 
>> constructor makes `this` escape, isn't that an issue we should detect?
>> If we have a class with a private constructor and public static factory 
>> invoking said constructor, and the constructor makes this escape, isn't that 
>> an issue we should detect?
> A static factory method will not create a subclassed instance, so there's no 
> 'this' escape problem.
> But I admit I completely missed factory methods as a potential thing to worry 
> about.
> Is it possible for a leak to be missed due to the use of a factory method?
> Hmm. I can't immediately think of how, but if you can come up with an example 
> please share.

I guess what I'm thinking about:

class Foo {
    private Foo() {
    public void m() { ... } // overridable
    static Foo makeFoo() { return new Foo(); }

>> src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/ThisEscapeAnalyzer.java
>>  line 294:
>>> 292:                   !(this.currentClass.sym.isSealed() && 
>>> this.currentClass.permitting.isEmpty()) &&
>>> 293:                   !(this.currentClass.sym.owner.kind == MTH) &&
>>> 294:                   !this.privateOuter;
>> Here, note that is the owner of the current class symbol is a method, that 
>> covers anonymous classes too, which is a part of `privateOuter`. So the only 
>> think we need to check here is whether "currentClass" is private, which is a 
>> simple predicate. No need to carry `privateOuter` I believe
> Unless you explicitly declare a nested class `private`, it won't have the 
> `ACC_PRIVATE` flag, even though it is "implicitly private" because it has a 
> `private` enclosing class.
> Example:
> $ cat PrivateOuter.java 
> public class PrivateOuter {
>     private static class Inner1 {
>         static class Inner2 {
>         }
>     }
> }
> $ javap -v PrivateOuter$Inner1$Inner2
> Classfile 
> /Users/archie/proj/jdk/flex-test/classes/PrivateOuter$Inner1$Inner2.class
>   Last modified Jan 12, 2023; size 408 bytes
>   SHA-256 checksum 
> 51ba6d39a5e66df2a078761d6424acbea7a8e32b8451f6ca7d2af49889673b2c
>   Compiled from "PrivateOuter.java"
> class PrivateOuter$Inner1$Inner2
>   minor version: 0
>   major version: 63
>   flags: (0x0020) ACC_SUPER
>   this_class: #7                          // PrivateOuter$Inner1$Inner2
>   super_class: #2                         // java/lang/Object
>   ...
> So we have to keep track of this "implicit privateness" manually, which is 
> what the `privateOuter` flag is for.

D'oh - missed the `|=` - so this keeps updating...


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11874

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