On Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:06:54 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty <dcu...@openjdk.org> 

>> Actually `isAliveAfterVMDispose` conveys the wrong message. The idea is to 
>> give the `VM.dispose()` a chance to happen. Maybe `isAlive` should just 
>> better document why it waits.
> Or you could use the longer name `nsk.share.jdi.Utils` to differentiate...
> Is it always the case that we're calling this `isAlive()` function after a 
> `VM.dispose()` call?
> I'm not so sure that's the case... See L135-142 below. That looks like a 
> simple query response
> and not necessarily after a `VM.dispose()` call...

According the the debugger side, "check_alive" is sent after the `vm.dipose()`. 
In fact it is the more important command to wait on since "check_done" is done 
after the "check_alive", so we've already waited by the time we get to 
"check_done". If the thread is still alive after the "check_alive", the test 
fails, so I'm not so sure of the reason for checking again in "check_done". In 
any case, I don't think that isAlive() call needs to wait.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10877

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