The clhsdb 'pmap' command prints the start addresses and the sizes of the various load modules. It would be more intuitive to have the end address printed as the VM.dynlibs jcmd does.
Before: 0x00007f8839c38000 5920K /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f883a006000 4072K /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f883a20a000 4056K /usr/lib64/ 0x00007f883a426000 3944K /usr/lib64/ After: 0x7f0f8e482000-0x7f0f8ea00000 5624K /usr/lib64/ 0x7f0f8e850000-0x7f0f8ec00000 3776K /usr/lib64/ 0x7f0f8ea54000-0x7f0f8ee00000 3760K /usr/lib64/ 0x7f0f8ec70000-0x7f0f8f000000 3648K /usr/lib64/ Note that VM.dynlibs doesn't use the 0x prefix. I considered doing the same for pmap, but it did cause one test failure that was searching for the address starting with 0x, so I decided to leave it in. Notice I also dropped the leading 0's to keep things a big more compact (VM.dynlibs does the same). ------------- Commit messages: - Output map range rather than just start and length. Changes: Webrev: Issue: Stats: 6 lines in 1 file changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 3 mod Patch: Fetch: git fetch pull/10087/head:pull/10087 PR: