On Mon, 18 Jul 2022 23:13:14 GMT, Alex Menkov <amen...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> The test verifies that JDI threads are daemon threads.
> But enumerating threads at breakpoint it performs sanity check that all 
> threads returned by ThreadGroup.enumerate hasn't terminated.
> But this is wrong assumption,  as the test enumerates _debugger_ threads and 
> not _debuggee_ threads.
> The fix drops this sanity check.

Marked as reviewed by cjplummer (Reviewer).

I think the `finishedThreads` check was actually to verify that no JDI threads 
completed while the debuggee was suspend. But that was back in the old days 
when hotpot and JDK didn't spontaneously create and delete various threads 
quite so readily. So removing this check seems necessary, and I can think of a 
reasonable way to check the status of the JDI threads (nor see a reason to).


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9547

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