On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 16:47, Haik Aftandilian wrote:
> Technically, this bug should not be marked as fixed. It should be closed
> as a dupe or just closed as "will not fix" with a comment indicating it
> was fixed by 6410698.
In past cases like this, I was told to close it as "unreproduceable"
630 is marked as fixed in snv_38. The Evaluation mentions this
was fixed as part of the ditto block work. This bug is:
6410698 ZFS metadata needs to be more highly replicated (ditto
blocks) (which is also marked as fixed in snv_38).
Hope that helps: Neil.
Ah, thanks.
Technically, this bug
630 is marked as fixed in snv_38. The Evaluation mentions this was fixed
as part of the ditto block work. This bug is:
6410698 ZFS metadata needs to be more highly replicated (ditto blocks)
(which is also marked as fixed in snv_38).
Hope that helps: Neil.
Haik Aftandilian wrote On 05
Could we get this bug report updated? Jeff, you marked it as fix delivered but
I see no 630 putback in the NV gate history. There are also no diffs on the
report and I see no indication as to which putback did fix the problem.
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