Dec 21, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Jackson Wang wrote:
> > Dear Richard,
> > I am a Nexenta user and now I meet the same problem of the resilver spend
> too long time. I try to find out solution from the link on your content that
> "zfs set resilver_speed=10% pool_name"
Dear Richard,
How can I update the important ZFS fixes on NexentaStor? Now my version of
NexentsStor is v3.0.4 enterprise.
This message posted from
zfs-discuss mailing list
Dear Richard,
I am a Nexenta user and now I meet the same problem of the resilver spend too
long time. I try to find out solution from the link on your content that "zfs
set resilver_speed=10% pool_name" but the Nexenta without the property of
resiler_speed. How can I slove my issue on Nexenta?