[yocto] wifi feature adding doubt

2019-01-25 Thread sateesh m
Hai Sir, I am using yocto project my machine is qemuriscv64 . I am running this using qemuriscv64 using runqemu qemuriscv64 nographic . i want to add wifi feature so how i add it this feature . Thanking you sir, Sateesh -- ___ yocto mai

[yocto] ptest-runner yocto build sytem issue

2019-09-02 Thread sateesh m
Hi, I am new to Yocto. I am working on ptest-runner. I followed the wiki https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Ptest , but when I boot to my image and run ptest-runner I have the output : "No ptests found." Is this normal ? I thought that DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " ptest" and EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES +=

Re: [yocto] ptest-runner yocto build sytem issue

2019-09-09 Thread sateesh m
, Sateesh On Mon 2 Sep, 2019, 7:11 PM Alexander Kanavin, wrote: > On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 15:06, sateesh m wrote: > >> I followed the wiki https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Ptest , but when >> I boot to my image and run ptest-runner I have the output : "No ptests >> foun