Sure, sir. If you don't mine can you please share where this log file will
I am seeing /tmp-glibc/work/riscv-oe-linux/ptest-runner/2.3.4.../temp/
I am seeing here but log.do_rootfs file is not Present here.

Can you please tell me where I can found this file.

Thanks & Regards,

On Mon 2 Sep, 2019, 7:11 PM Alexander Kanavin, <>

> On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 15:06, sateesh m <> wrote:
>> I followed the wiki , but when
>> I boot to my image and run ptest-runner I have the output : "No ptests
>> found."
>> Is this normal ? I thought that
>> DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " ptest"
>> and
>> EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "ptest-pkgs"
>> would install all the ptests for me in my image, apparently I am wrong
>> but could you please explain to me why this is not the case i.e why ptests
>> are not automatically installed in the image even though I included the
>> above lines in my local.conf ?
>> How to test my packages using ptest. can you share sample test or testing
>> procedure document .
> Can you share the log.do_rootfs file for your image please?
> There are also example ptest images in poky, so you could try those and
> see how they work.
> Alex
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