Hello, I am using poky 2.6.1 (thud) and create images using the wic utility.Recently I noticed that all directories contained in the created image are owned by UID 1000 and not by root. The files inside the image however are owned by root.The UID 1000 refers to my unprivileged user on the host syst
on is "yes I can reproduce the behavior".
One sidenote
- I am using an appended core-image-minimal not the default
- In my other image I am using qt5 (v5.12)
On 8/12/19 5:11 AM, Behnke, Jochen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using poky 2.6.1 (thud) and create
Hi Randy,
I created a completely new poky clone.
Then I set up a config for "genericx86" and built a core-image-minimal
Here are the results
1)Using "thud" branch -> problem persisted
2)Using "warrior" branch --> problem solved