Hello Randy,

thanks for your reponse and sorry for my late reaction.

In order to test, if the problem can be reproduced reliably, I performed a 
clean rebuild as follows

$ source oe-init-build-env build-tca5-32
$ rm -rf tmp
$ rm -rf sstate-cache
$ bitbake core-image-minimal
$ wic create mkefidisk -e core-image-minmal

I then mounted the resulting image file "mkefidisk-201908221701-sda.direct" 
using a loopback device (losetup)
Inside the Image all directories have UID/GID 1000/1000, which corresponds to 
my host user.
Files however have UID/GID 0/0.

So the answer to your question is "yes I can reproduce the behavior".

One sidenote
- I am using an appended core-image-minimal not the default
- In my other image I am using qt5 (v5.12)


On 8/12/19 5:11 AM, Behnke, Jochen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using poky 2.6.1 (thud) and create images using the wic utility.
> Recently I noticed that all directories contained in the created image
> are owned by UID 1000 and not by root. The files inside the image
> however are owned by root.
> The UID 1000 refers to my unprivileged user on the host system.
> Here is the command I use to create the image
> "wic create mkefidisk -e core-image-minimal"
> The images created by bitbake directly (.tar.bz2, .hddimg) are correct
> so this seems to be a wic related problem.
> Does anybody have a solution for this?

Hi Jochen,

No and I've never seen this particular extreme symptom.

There is a known, generally rare bug:
    Bug 12434 - pseudo: Incorrect UID/GID in packaged files
but that usually shows up when building.

You could check you build logs for the generic stings from:

    glibc-locale-2.26: glibc-locale:
    is owned by uid 3004, which is the same as the user running bitbake.
    This may be due to host contamination [host-user-contaminated]

Is your issue 100% reproducible?


> Many thanks in advance, any hint is appreciated.
> Regards
> Jochen
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# Randy MacLeod
# Wind River Linux

SCHMIDT Technology GmbH
Feldbergstrasse 1
78112 St. Georgen/Germany
Telefon +49 (0) 77 24 / 89 90
Fax +49 (0) 77 24 / 89 91 01

USt-Id Nr. DE 811725105 ยท Registergericht Freiburg HRB 600 755
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Oliver Schmidt, Stephan Schmidt

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