Current Dev Position: YP 2.5 is in QA.
Next Deadline: YP 2.5 M4 release is 4/27/18
SWAT Team Rotation:
SWAT lead is currently: Stephano
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Stephano on May 4, 2018
SWAT team rotation: Stephano -> Maxin on May 11, 2018
On 04/30/2018 10:25 AM, Scott Rifenbark wrote:
Hi Martin,
and let me know if this section works. I took your patch and did some
I like your changes; thanks!
On Fri, Apr
I am trying to build cppzmq through a Yocto (Rocko) generated eSDK. The search
function does not return anything, despite the recipe being available through
local recipe:
martin@dell:~/gomspace_sdk$ ls
layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/zeromq/ files zero
My company has bought a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 for evaluation, and I
have a 2 questions about the supplied machine .conf files for it.
1. Should the supplied raspberrypi-cm3.conf file internally refer to the
Raspberry Pi 3 instead of the Raspberry Pi 2, since the RPi3 is the hardw
The Recipe Reporting System (RRS - live instance at was originally developed as a fork of
the layer index (live instance at - this
set of changes rebases it on top of master and makes the functionality
possible to activate for other l
Lately, I'm trying to upgrade to a later version of mono, When I try
to do a build of my Yocto image, bitbake gets to the end of building
mono-native, and then gets an error:
ERROR: mono-native- do_populate_sysroot: The recipe mono-native is
trying to install files into a sh