
I am trying to build cppzmq through a Yocto (Rocko) generated eSDK. The search 
function does not return anything, despite the recipe being available through 
local recipe:

martin@dell:~/gomspace_sdk$ ls 
cppzmq_git.bb  files  zeromq_4.1.6.bb

I assume this is expected since it does not come prebuilt as part of the eSDK - 
is this correct understood? 

Fortunately, 'devtool modify/build/package' generates the package - 
unfortunately it is not included in the subsequent image generation:

martin@dell:~/gomspace_sdk$ devtool package cppzmq
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
WARNING: Host distribution "ubuntu-17.10" has not been validated with this 
version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. 
It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.
Loading cache: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:03
Loaded 2773 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:01
Parsing of 1968 .bb files complete (1960 cached, 8 parsed). 2780 targets, 305 
skipped, 11 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 492 tasks of which 491 didn't need to be rerun 
and all succeeded.

Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
NOTE: Your packages are in /home/martin/gomspace_sdk/tmp/deploy/ipk

martin@dell:~/gomspace_sdk$ devtool build-image
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
WARNING: Host distribution "ubuntu-17.10" has not been validated with this 
version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. 
It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.
Loading cache: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 2773 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:02
Parsing of 1968 .bb files complete (1960 cached, 8 parsed). 2780 targets, 305 
skipped, 11 masked, 0 errors.

Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
WARNING: Skipping recipe cppzmq as it doesn't produce a package with the same 

Inspecting the manifest file confirms that the package is not installed - any 
idea why not? I also tried installing though sdk-install:

martin@dell:~/gomspace_sdk$ devtool sdk-install -s cppzmq                       
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...                                                
WARNING: Host distribution "ubuntu-17.10" has not been validated with this 
version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. 
It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.                           
Loading cache: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 2773 entries from dependency cache.                                      
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:02
Parsing of 1968 .bb files complete (1961 cached, 7 parsed). 2780 targets, 305 
skipped, 11 masked, 0 errors.                                                   
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.                                     
NOTE: Installing cppzmq...                                                      
WARNING: Host distribution "ubuntu-17.10" has not been validated with this 
version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. 
It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.                           
Loading cache: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:03
Loaded 2773 entries from dependency cache.                                      
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:01
Parsing of 1968 .bb files complete (1961 cached, 7 parsed). 2780 targets, 305 
skipped, 11 masked, 0 errors.                                                   
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies                             
Initialising tasks: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks                                                  
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks                                                  
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 487 tasks of which 477 didn't need to be rerun 
and all succeeded.                                                              
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.                                     
NOTE: Successfully installed cppzmq

Which also does not pick up the package upon image building:

martin@dell:~/gomspace_sdk$ IMAGE_INSTALL_append="cppzmq" devtool build-image   
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...                   
WARNING: Host distribution "ubuntu-17.10" has not been validated with this 
version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. 
It is recommended that you use a tested distribution.                           
Loading cache: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 2773 entries from dependency cache.         
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:02
Parsing of 1968 .bb files complete (1961 cached, 7 parsed). 2780 targets, 305 
skipped, 11 masked, 0 errors.                                                   

Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.        
WARNING: No packages to add, building image nanocom-sdr-image unmodified        

What am I missing here?

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