I am building 2 images. One has my rootfs, the other builds a kernel with
builtin initramfs.
To build the initramfs I did the following:
In the .../conf directory, I create a file named initramfs.conf and add
the following:
INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "core-image-minimal-initramfs"
I am fairly new to yocto and I think I’m having trouble installing an RPM on
the rootfs. What I am trying to do is install an arm64 binary RPM file straight
onto the root file system without a recipe… just use the native rpm tool to put
it there. There are several reasons why I’m experi
From: Jackie Huang
The dependency was needed because of the usage of
openhpi and openimpi, now the two recipes are added
in meta-openembedded/meta-networking and
meta-openembedded/meta-oe with newer versions,
and meta-openclovis is not really active in the past
two years, it's better to remove th