I am building 2 images. One has my rootfs, the other builds a kernel with
builtin initramfs.
To build the initramfs I did the following:
In the .../conf directory, I create a file named initramfs.conf and add
the following:
INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "core-image-minimal-initramfs"
IMAGE_FSTYPES = "cpio.gz"
Then to build the initramfs based on the core-image-base recipe, I execute
the following bitbake command:
     bitbake -R conf/initramfs.conf core-image-minimal-initramfs
When it completes, there is a kernel + initramfs file in the .../tmp/
deploy/images/..../  directory.
This image boots to the init script, but then hangs as the mmc drivers
have not been included.

Now I create a core-image-minimal-initramfs.bbappend file and
PACKAGE_INSTALL the modules I need (also tried kernel-modules).

Unfortunately this also installs the kernel bzImage in the /boot
directory, that appears to be a dependancy. This adds another 6MB to my
initramfs, which is now to load.

I expect it should be possible to add the modules without adding the
kernel, but haven't been able to find a way to do that. Or it should be
possible to remove the contents of /boot after do_rootfs.

But I have no clue how to do that.

Or am I just generating the initramfs in the wrong way?

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