Hi all!
After a lot of struggle I can now report a pretty serious bug in
the vtpmmgr 2.0 implementation:
- To make a the VTPM contents permenent, surviving a reboot
you have to seal the contents using the Pearl scripts in the
source directory calc.pl and manage-vtpmmgr.pl
- If you are using a
Just cloned master from git and compiled
stubdom/vtpmmgr and am getting weird output from it.
Like this:
TPM Manager - disk format 0
root seal: zu; sector of 84: zu
root: zu v=zu
itree: 36; sector of 112: zu
group: zu v=zu id=zu md=zu
group seal: zu; 72 in paren
More vtpm stuff:
Have most of vtpmmgr and vtpm:s wiĆ³rking.
vtpmmgr doesn't seem to survive a reboot.
It always clears itself completely...
And dumping the diskimage that is supposed to
keep the persistant data it is still the old "all-zeroes"
created with the dd /dev/zero at the creation.
On tisdag 18 september 2018 kl. 01:25:29 EEST Boris Ostrovsky wrote:
> On 9/17/18 5:19 PM, Jarkko Sakkinen wrote:
> > Just to understand this bug better why did not the wrong version
> > cause any undefined behavior? Sounds like a fatal bug. Does this
> > cause crashes?
> AFAIK, no, no crashes.
Can someone inform me on XEN vtpm support in
libvirt? From which version if so?
Asking because I tried to do a "virh dumpxml" on a XEN machine
with vtpm attached and "xl list -l" lists it fine
but there is nothing in the dumpxml result??
Would need this for controlling the DomU through pace