
Just cloned master from git and compiled
stubdom/vtpmmgr and am getting weird output from it.

Like this:

TPM Manager - disk format 0
 root seal: zu; sector of 84: zu
 root: zu v=zu
 itree: 36; sector of 112: zu
 group: zu v=zu id=zu md=zu
 group seal: zu; 72 in parent: zu; sector of 5: zu
 vtpm: zu+zu; sector of 20: zu
INFO[VTPM]: disk_read_sector 0
INFO[VTPM]: disk_read_sector 1
load_root_pre: n/n
INFO[VTPM]: Assuming first time initialization.
INFO[TPM]: TPM2_CreatePrimary
INFO[VTPM]: SRK handle: 0x80000000
INFO[TPM]: TPM2_Create

Looking at the history in git it seems like the %zu was patched
quite dome time ago. Why was this done even if the
supporting c-lib doesn't seem to support it?

Am I missing something here?

And still vtpmmrg will not even touch the
disk image to persistantly save the Hash Key of
the vtpm:s.

Am I beating a dead horse here?


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