I have a Burn setup, it correctly ask for privilege with UAC dialog if you
don't run it as administrator.I have an ExePackage in the chain and I want it
to be launched with administrative priviledge, I haven't found any property in
the ExePackage, what I need to do to pass the high priviledge to
I need to register a dll as com and add a registry key to register as
IThumbnailProvider for using a shell extension for providing the thumbnail for
my files.Is there any way for doing this?
For registering the dll I have seen on the forum using heat with -ag or -com
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Win
I have an msi installer that compile fine but when I try to install, just when
it search for disk space it report error 2705, in the log there is something
like this:
MSI (c) (78:00) [08:43:29:440]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its
value is 'C:\'.MSI (c) (78:00) [08:43:29:440]: No
ry table.
> Phil
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:16 AM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Error 2705.Invalid table: Directory; Could not be
> linked as tree.
> I have
I have made a setup.exe using Burn and custom WPF UI.I have added some package
as the runtime redistributable and my MSI that I have made using Heat for
harvesting the folders of my application.When I install the package it's very
very slow, is there any way for making the installation faster?
I have made a c# dll for implement shell extension IThumbnailProvider to
display a preview image as file icon.I have made an myShellExRegistration.exe
that write the reg keys for the register the extension for my custom file
extension (.myFileExt) and I take the assembly of my myThumbnailProvide
I have a Burn setup made with a WPF Interface, while the setup is running I
play some videos and I have seen that the setup running slower on some
computers. Is it possible to run the setup on a background thread while the WPF
interface is on the main thread?
I have used HeatFile in my setup project to harvest a dll for register it for
COMIf I build my project in Debug mode I have this:
But if I build the project in Release mode I have this:
I have in the RegistryVa
> How are you calling HeatFile?
> Marco Tognacci wrote:
> I have used HeatFile in my setup project to harvest a dll for register it for
> COMIf I build my project in Debug mode I have this:
> Directory="dir0F6F75DF46D1BACE2233EC573E6D4
> problems on a TFS build server.
> --
> John Merryweather Cooper
> Build & Install Engineer - ESA
> Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
> Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
> Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
> jocoo...@jackhenry.com
> www.jackhenry.com
blems on a TFS build server.
> --
> John Merryweather Cooper
> Build & Install Engineer - ESA
> Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
> Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
> Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
> jocoo...@jackhenry.com
> www.jackhenry.com
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] HeatFile not works if build in Release
> I'm not recommending running an exe during installation. Instead I'm
> suggesting taking that DLL you are passing to the heat tool and registering
> it into a VM to double check wha
ead I'm
> > suggesting taking that DLL you are passing to the heat tool and registering
> > it into a VM to double check what it is writing.
> >
> >
> > Marco Tognacci wrote:
> >
> > I prefer not to run exe files for registring dll during install
ation free COM and ignore the
> registry all together.
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2013 7:46 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] HeatFile not work
Heat.exe is a component of WiX it's used for harvesting files, directories,
projects...WixEdit is simply an editor for the WiX projects.
> From: bwhee...@dshs.wa.gov
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 14:55:54 +
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Diffence Betwen WixEdit & H
For doing this I have used Heat for harvesting the registration keys, but for
registering for 32 and 64 bit OS the same dll installed in the 32 bit Program
FIles folder I had created 2 msi package one compiled in 32bit mode with the
installation of the main program and the registration for the 3
I have a dll that is signed when it's compiled, and I need to harvest it using
HeatFile for getting the registry keys to register it for using as a shell
The problem is that I have a stand alone solution with the setup project, that
build the setup using the compiled file of my applic
I have a dll that I need to use a shell extension, I have signed the dll in the
project options, but I I run the setup project on a clear machine where the dll
is not build but only copied, Heatfile fail with this message
System.IO.FileLoadException was unhandled
Message: Could not load file or
I have tested a very slow installation using wix compared to an msi made by
The ordering the items in the installation table using the directory is perhaps
a good ideai, but what about using Heat?
I use Heat for harvesting directories with many files, anf it doesn't add a
name usi
I have tested using sn.exe -vf and the dll is not signed, but I have built it
checking the option for signing it and not check the option for delay sign.
Using the -vr option the Heat.exe sould work?
the problem is that it can't load the dll for the harvesting process.
I have a Burn Setup with some msi package, the log for each package isnear
100MB so to speed up the installation I'd like to disable the log for the
single msi package, but I'd like to preserve the logging for the Burn package.
How to make this? I haven't found an option to enable the loggin in t
All the MsiPackage that I have added in my Burn setup have the verbose logging
enabled, for one of them it is 100 mb of log file and IO think this is one of
the causes of the slow time of the install.
How can I disable the Logging for a single MsiPackage? I haven't found any
property in the MsiP
I have seen that some installers like Visual Studio set this property
MSIFASTINSTALL=7 but I haven't found the meaning of the parameter 7, in the
microsoft documentatio there is only 4 values 1,2,3,4
adding this
I need to disable the verbose logging for the MSI Package in my Burn setup, how
can I make this?
October Webinars: Code for Performance
Free Intel webinars can help you acceler
I have a wix solution in VisualStudio and it takes a lot to build more that 30
minutes, I have a msi and a Burn project, but if I make some changes only in
the Burn Project it rebuild even the msi package?
Can you make some compilation optimization to rebuild only the necessary?
My problem is that my Burn setup is very very slow, compared with the old
Installshield setup.
For this reason I have reported very bad feedback by users.
As the verbose logging for the msi is very big more than 100 MB, I have
supposed that one of the problem was the writing of the verbose log.
You can choose to not embed the the installation package of the drivers and
make the setup taking them from external folder, but you have to know them ad
compile time and add them in Wix Burn project.
Otherwise if you want Burn to run executable from extern folders you could do
this using custom
In your custom BA you can connect to event fired when the installer is
executing the detect, plan and apply operations, this events are callled for
package and for the single feature of an msi, if you return the code you want
you can change the plan action.
"Absent" - for removing
"Force Absent"
My application use some txt file for the localization of the application, which
is the best way to make the user choose the language to install? I can make an
msi as installer of my application with some features and the set of language
files packed in a feature for language, in this way in the
I have read in some blogs about the Addon Related Bundle function of Burn. But
I haven't found sample or usefull resource for making me able to use it. Is it
a good way for installing language packs? I have some txt files that I install
as feature in the msi of the main application but I want th
If you use Burn, you could parse the BootstrapperApplicationData.xml that is
copied in the temp folder in which are copied the files of the bootrstrapper,
like show in this blog
this way you could access some
I need to extract feature infos like Title and description from an msi package,
localized with different languages.I have seen the DTF samples like WiFile
where is described how to read package infos creating new InstallPackage.How
can I get feature infos? Is there some class like InstallFeature
Thanks for your support, applying the Transformations from DataBase works.
I need to take these informations, because I want to create a custom WPF UI for
the Burn Bootstrapper,and I need to know all the feature (with localized title
and description) that are contained in each msi that is in my B
HI, I have a Bootstrapper made with Burn in which I install some prerequisites
like NET Framework 4.0, VC Redistributable, and then 2 or more msi packages
that install the programs that make the suite that I want to install using
Burn.I have seen the documentation about Upgrade of msi package wi
In my Bundle application I have defined a variable to define the installation
folder, I want to initialize this variable to a builtin variable
likeProgramFilesFolder or DesktopFolder, but this doesn't work.
and this
In my Bundle application I have defined a variable to define the installation
folder, I want to initialize this variable to a builtin variable
likeProgramFilesFolder or DesktopFolder, but this doesn't work.
I have used in my Bundle
In the log of the Burn installation there is the variable associ
I have made a Burn installer using latest weekly release of wix 3.7, following
the sample provided with wix package.I can install and uninstall the package
with no problem.But if I Install succesfully, and then cancel one file from the
installed folder, then run the installer again and select th
How do you refere to the resource dictionary, perhaps do you have copied it to
the output folder?If you don't add any other item to the bundle paylod you have
only the WixBA.dll in the temp folder where it's a started, so you need to have
all the resources embedded on the dll.If you can, you cou
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Burn 3.7.1224.0 Builtin Variable not working
> Variable is like Property. The Value attribute is the value of the
> variable. It isn't interpreted.
> On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 8:00 AM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
x27;InstallFolderVariable' to value '[DesktopFolder]'" when the
> install phase runs the correct value will be inserted.
> Neil
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: 08 April 2013 20:30
> To: General
> FormatString() method. This is very similar to MSI API to format a property.
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > I need to have the value resolved in the plan phase as I have to report it
> > on the Managed custom UI, to report it to th
FormatString() method. This is very similar to MSI API to format a property.
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > I need to have the value resolved in the plan phase as I have to report it
> > on the Managed custom UI, to report it to the use
; Visible="no"
> Vital="yes">
> Value='[AnarkInstallFolder]' />
> Now if you update using Engine.SetVariable** and give AnarkInstallFolder a
> new value. This should be passed
I need to have the possbility to run some executable during installation made
with Burn, I know these executable only after building the Burn setup, so the
setup will have to scan a folder in the same path of the setup and collect all
the executable and the run them at the end of the installatio
: r...@robmensching.com
> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 15:18:05 -0700
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Runtime configurable Burn chain
> That's a feature called modifiable chain that is not implemented yet.
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Marco Tognac
I have associated the Burn Version to the build system as at each build it will
have new version changing the last value => make the new
installer not to add anoter item to the ARP I have attached the event
PlanRelatedBundle and then I have set
e.State = RequestState.Absent;
uot;No! I'm upgrading you. *You* go away!"
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > I have associated the Burn Version to the build system as at each build it
> > will have new version changing the last value => 1.0
I have made a setup using Burn with WPF UI,Unistalling from ARP (Uninstall
programs from control panel) is there an option to make appear the message
dialog for request of confirm?Or I have to implement in my custom dialog a
special window for processing the confirm request?
I have read that to speedup the installation it's best practice to name the
file id containing the folder path to make the files ordered by name like their
relative position in the installation.for a file contained in the folders Dir1
eDir 2 the Id should be like Id="Dir1_Dir2_NomeFile".This is
I have made a fake installation that I can't uninstall anymore, is there a way
to force uninstall without creating a new setup bundle with the same
UpgradeCode and manage the upgrade of the old package?using the "Windows
installer cleanup utility" could be a good way or is there a better way for
> because of a custom action, or something similar? Have you forgetten the
> ProductCode?
> Phil
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 12:08 PM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subj
Is there any king of automatic tool to optimize the code generated by Heat to
make the file ordered in the way they are located in folders?I have many
fragment files generated by heat based on the same folders, so it wil be
usefull to have the file named with the folder path in which they are lo
If you have a managed bootstrapper, you can collect all the information on your
custom UI and then in the PlanMsiFeature callback you can set the state
(FeatureState = Absent or Local) of the msi feature you want to
install/uninstall, and in the PlanPackageBegin callback you can set the state
I have a Burn bootstrapper that need to reboot the system to complete
installation, when the system reboot the Burn setup restart but it doesn't
restart from the point where it finish before reboot.It restart from begin with
the detect process, is it a bug or is there some configuration to set?
I have this ExePackage definition in my Burn project
I want to know if I have to set the ExitCode for each value or if there are
default values that I haven't need to add.If I don't add the ExitCode which
will be the behavior of the Burn setup?
ch of things are already on the machine and thus Planning will only do
> what is next.
> This is important because machine state could change significantly between
> the time the restart was requested and the restart actually occurred.
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 1
lso persist values in Variables before the
> original Apply() and they will be there after restart.
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > But in this case how can I detect that the installation is complete?For
> > the uninstall I have s
I have an exe setup package that I have to install in the chain of Burn, for
this I have added an ExePackage.When the Burn setup is running I have the logs
for each msi in the format [WidBundleName_Date]_[MSIPackageName].log, but I
have no the log for the exe package, if I run the exe with this
I have implemented the /layout option in my Burn setup. the only thing that it
do is to copy all the setup.exe that I have made.I have a single file setup,
with all the resources embedded inside.This option is used only to download all
files needed to run the setup if this is web based?Or it cou
I have implemented the Help page in Burn setup using WPF custom UI.I'd like to
add all the command line args, is there any way to have the help text reporting
the usage of the setup base command line args like /install, /uninstall,
/help...?I'd like to have the base setup help where to add only
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > I have implemented the Help page in Burn setup using WPF custom UI.I'd
> > like to add all the command line args, is there any way to have the help
> > text reporting the us
Do you have any example about enabling logging of ExePackage in Burn chain?I
have tried to use LogPathVariable="MyExe.log" but the log doesn't work.
> From: mark...@live.it
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 20:57:07 +0200
> Subject: [WiX-users] Wix ExePackage can't a
I have made a Burn setup, when it start it ask to elevate the privileges, so I
would expect that on the setup there was the UAC shield, but there was no.Is
there a property to set to make the system recognize that the setup need to
elevate privileges, or is it a bug?
I'm using last version of wi
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to Add UAC Shield on Bunrn setup.exe
> That's pretty surprising. This is how our installer requests admin privileges:
> Privileged
> Alain
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark
t; Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How to Add UAC Shield on Bunrn setup.exe
> Oh whoops, I'm not using burn (only using candle and light), so my
> previously-posted code might not be useful (because I don't know a thing
> about burn).
> Sorry for the possible confusion.
As I have read that one possibility to speed up the installation is to rename
the file in the MSBuild table to make them ordered by the folders where they
are located, it will be possible to add an optimization in the MSI package to
rename the files when building the package as to include a pref
Is this a bug in wix, or this is not the right way for enabling log for
ExePackage?I have tried to use LogPathVariable="MyExe.log" but the log doesn't
> From: mark...@live.it
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 20:09:29 +0200
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix ExePac
the parameters the bundle passes to the package to get the desired result.
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 6:59 AM
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix ExePackage can't act
cutes your
> ExePackage? What is the error code that is returned? It should log all the
> options passed to the package so we could track down the issue.
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 4:02 PM
you have to magae the case when the Command.Display is not Full.you can see the
InstallationViewModel provided in the Setup of wix, expecially in the functions
DetectComplete and ApplyComplete
> From: nmil...@livetechnology.com
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 21:09
I hope that helps answer
> the question.
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > I have tried with this but the [LogPathVariable] is not valuated and Burn
> > pass an empty string as args, so the exe package report an error, and
> >
I have a Burn setup that need the Net framework 4.5 as prerequisite, but if it
is installed on a WindowsXP I have to set as prerequisite only the net
framework 4.0 (as the Net 4.5 can't be installed on Windows XP).My bootstrapper
(and my application) need only the Net 4.0 but as the net 4.5 has
if you set the property Compressed="no" in the MsiPackage it will be not
embedded into the Burn exe setup.If you want to copy the MsiPackage to a
different location with a different Directory structure in the bin\Release you
can set the property Name of the MsiPackage with the output path where
I have used HeatDirectory to harvest a folder with many subdirectories and
files, but Heat.exe report an error because the filepath of an item is larger
than 260 chars (with the name and the full subdirectories path)Is there any way
to harvest a folder with may subdirectories as the single filep
port an
> error
> Unfortunately, the .NET Framework doesn't handle that.
> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > I have used HeatDirectory to harvest a folder with many subdirectories and
> > files, but Heat.exe report an error because the
gt; We're waiting for NETFX 5.0 and MSI 6.0 or later when Microsoft fixes the
> underlying issues in their APIs.
> On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Marco Tognacci wrote:
> > So isn't there any way to make Heat working with long paths? Any plan for
Yes, because with Burn the standard command line args are parsed by the engine,
and you'll find in your BootstrapperApplication.Command.Action the launch
action equal to Help (or Install, Uninstall, Modify, Repair...), and in
BootstrapperApplication.Command.Display the state of UI that is reques
Can you explain the purpose of WixDistribution.wxl and which is the fix for the
languages?Is it related to the localization of an msi package controlled by
Burn interface? And how it is possble to change the language of the msi with
Even if you generate different Id you can't link the same file twice in your
installer, if you use heat to harvest ther same folder more than one time, you
need to apply a transformation based on *xslt, to filtere the file as they were
contained only in one component.For the directories you coul
Is there any way for recording user choise, to generate a file to use for
running the setup in silent mode like InstallShield do with -r command line
parameter? as explained in the help reported in the link
d use it as a basis for other command
> lines but that's the way I know of. Probably just haven't run across anything
> better and it works but others will be along to share their techniques if
> there's something better.
> -Original Message-
> From
I have used heat for harvest the files to install in my application. I have
read that to make install of file faster the Ids of the files that are located
in the same forder must be alphabetically consecutive so that they will be
installed in sequence, so is there some optimization for generatin
That would be a BootstrapperApplication feature and the wixstdba doesn't
> implement anything like that today. It'd be a cool feature, although it'd
> also have to be tailored to each custom BA probably since you can do just
> about anything your own BA.
> On Wed, May 1
hey are in you
> source.
> Neil
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: 15 May 2013 21:03
> To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Speed up installer for copy file using Heat
> I have used heat
I have a Burn setup with managed UI in WPF so I need to install The net
framework 4 as prerequisite for the installer and my application, but as in the
Net Framework 4.5 there are some usefull fix, I want to install the net
framework 4.5 if possible.I'd like to make this:
1 - On WIndows XP - I w
> InstallCondition="(VersionNT >= v6.0 OR VersionNT64 >= v6.0)
> AND (NOT (Netfx4FullVersion="4.5.50709" OR
> Netfx4x64FullVersion="4.5.50709"))"/>
> ...
> Note the /passive
ework 4.5 as prerequisite only if on
> windows 7-8 and not installed
> Ah, set your BootstrapperCore.config like this:
> -----Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 5:51 PM
> To: Gene
> we tried and tried to make something deployable on both Server 2008 R2 and
> Server 2012 with the .NET 3.5 version of Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll, in the
> end, we will support only .NET 4.5--just too much of a mess.
> --
> John M. Cooper
> -Original Message
d tried to make something deployable on both Server 2008 R2 and
> Server 2012 with the .NET 3.5 version of Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll, in the
> end, we will support only .NET 4.5--just too much of a mess.
> --
> John M. Cooper
> -Original Message-
> From: Marc
t;(VersionNT >= v6.0 OR VersionNT64 >= v6.0) AND (NOT
> (Netfx4FullVersion="4.5.50709" OR
> Netfx4x64FullVersion="4.5.50709")) AND (NOT
> (Netfx4FullVersion="4.0.30319" OR
> Netfx4x64FullVersion="4.0.30319"))"/>
I have an ExePackage in my Burn Setup that I need to run in Windows 7
Compatibility mode when setup run on Windows 8, Which is the right way for
running a program in compatibility mode? I have to pass some args in the
command line parameters of the InstallCommand, or is there a better way?In thi
I have a burn setup that I have installe using Net Framework 4.0 as a
prerequisite.If I install on Windows 8 all the setup works well, but I need to
have the Net framework 2.0 installed on the pc to make one of the programs that
I have installed working fine.After installation if I try to run th
I have added a MediaElement to my Burn setup WPF UI.When the setup starts
applying I play a video *.mp4 in the WPF MediaElement, but if the setup is
started by an not administrative user the UAC Popup window appear after a
little, and when I select OK in the UAC window the MediaElement freeze an
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Mensching [mailto:r...@robmensching.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 3:56 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] UAC Stop the MediaElement during Applying
> You
If you check the net fx extension that is provided with wix you can see that
all the options you can choose for the intall of the NET 4.0 need to download
the package from the web, even the full version.I hope that they could add even
this possibility, now the only way that I have found is to ad
tension" that you mentioned?
> Is it just a XML? I'd like have a look at how they do the detection so I can
> clone the piece in my local package approach. Thanks!
> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Tognacci [mailto:mark...@live.it]
> Sent: Thursday
I made a Burn setup package with the installation of languages, but I need to
provide a separate setup for adding new language packs not provided with the
main application setup, wich is the best way for doing this?Package each
language in a separate msi? and then adding them to the main applica
I have an ExePackage added to the seup made with Burn.To make upgrading of the
Burn package working with the ExePackage I think I need to add the right
version for the package using Provides Element (in Dependency Extension).How
can I set the file versione to the versione of the exe package auto
I have a Bunr setup with an msi package.I have done 2 different packages, and I
have installed the second one with a higher version number.In the logs file I
can see that it report the msi package as installed and obsolete, it start the
uninstall process of the installed burn package but it does
I need to get the version number for an msi from an exe file that isn't
deployed as item from the msi?Is there a way to get the file versione from a
file using his folder path?
in the same way I need to set the version of an exe setup package added in a
Burn setup to make it upgrading correctly.
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