On my net, there is GPO active such that two things essential to running
validation on my Windows 7 laptop are not met: 1) VBS cannot be run by a build
process; 2) the Windows Installer Service cannot be run by a build process.
If you're like me, you'll need a waiver from CIS to allow both thes
Adding a Name="." attribute to the Directory element will get the "." in there.
I'll do some experimenting on a toy.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
I was able to get the ".:System32" by using
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
indows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: RE: Resolve Light 1056 Warning
Thanks, John.
That did it for me.
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:50 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Resolve Light 10
I also have a short article on how to write NuGet packages for application to
Wixproj Wix project files at my blog at:
John Merryweather Coope
I have done it with: 1) AppFabric monitoring and persistence services; and 2)
IIS 7.x worker processes.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
Old MsBuild/Visual Studio task that takes a manifest, a set of dependencies
usually embedded in the project file, and builds a primitive bootstrapper. We
used to use it before they hired me.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Missio
Well, if the bootstrapper has the same name as the Burn executable, there's an
even chance the build of Burn will be suppressed on your build server.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
ommand args to MSI from bundle [P]
Classification: Public
Then what is the purpose of using MSBuild + WIX bundle + WIX MSI that seems
like an overkill?
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: July-22-13 12:50 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Ins
I would note that most progress displays play havoc with IDE's trying to parse
error messages. Most compilers don't have them for that reason. The last
compiler I had that had such a progress display was Meridian Ada DOS and that
is more than twenty years ago now.
John Merryweather Cooper
I would expect DirectoryRefId to match the Directory@Id you're substituting.
However, this should cause it to break in both Configurations, so I suspect
that's not it.
Is this Release configuration build breaking on a build server, both locally
and on a build server, or just locally? I note y
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: Tom - [mailto:mittegetm...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 201
It depends. It is often desired to localize changes to one assembly. Even if
the versions of the other assemblies have changed, often the code content has
not changed. This needs to be verified by regression testing and there is some
That being said, in general, I would prefer to patch
I use six wixlibs to install seven services with multiple copies of "common"
assemblies in different directories and AppPools. Works great. We only build
one platform now, x64, but we used to build both x86 and x64. Separate
wixlib's and conditionalized source for each platform.
John Merr
That's not going to be very interesting. The $(var.Platform) is going to be
substituted at compile time.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
All $(var.) values are done at compile time. Your example below will
include one block if the platform is x64 and another block otherwise--all at
compile time. Rather than use $(var.Platform), I would recommend using
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -
Is this a Windows Service? More than like, if you don't shutdown the service,
the attempt to update one or more of the binaries will fail or force a reboot.
Unlike OS/2, Windows does not have an API to unload DLL's or executables.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
I don't mind stopping and starting the service. Just not reinstalling it.
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 3:56 PM, John Cooper wrote:
> Is this a Windows Service? More than like, if you don't shutdown the
> service, the attempt to update one or more of the binaries will f
stall a service on upgrade
What do you mean by upgrade scheduling?
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 4:24 PM, John Cooper wrote:
> Well in that case, what is your upgrade scheduling? You can probably
> get the effect you want with appropriate scheduling in the MajorUpgrade
> elem
No, you probably need to:
1) log a message;
2) display an error dialog;
3) display some action text;
It's not really a function of the particular UI you're choosing since any
dialog boxes you're going to pop are going to display because of spawning and
not scheduling.
But it isn't going to hap
If you do it that way, you'll need to condition the affected components too or
there will be some edge cases where the feature might not install but the
components still will.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Yes, it appears to be inverted.
Also, as the documentation states, $(sys.BUILDARCH) is a better choice than
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
rm) with $(sys.BUILDARCH) since the above
code should run at runtime...
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: July-31-13 1:38 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Need help, how to put a condition on
You're going to end up with an InstallDir overlayed with your Publish
changes--this is not a recipe for success. The way that works is to take the
InstallDir UI from source, modify it to your liking, and that put a in
your product.wxs to a unique Id for your customized version of the InstallDi
So, what does NETFRAMEWORK20INSTALLROOTDIR64 evaluate to from the install log?
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
I (c) (58:18) [16:03:23:422]: Doing action: FatalError
So then the question is. Why does adding the EventSource node cause the custom
action to fail?
I'm going to get another log with the EventSource removed and see what is
eseen side effects.
I found somewhere that using a custom action I could set a directory value
using the [Manufacturer] property.
Is there another way?
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 4:34 PM
To: General discussi
I have used wixlibs on WiX 3.5 and WiX 3.6 projects. My experience is that a
Wix 3.5 built wixlib will work with WiX 3.6 projects, but the converse is not
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer - ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-
The former (controlled by system settings). For example, it's common to have
VM's configured with restore points disabled.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
No, it doesn't corrupt memory, but with UI completely suppressed, only your
"execute" sequence is going to run. Also, in general you can't count on
Directory "properties" being valid until after CostFinalize. The combination
of early scheduling and your "UI" sequence not running probably resul
Because it is a desirable feature that wixlibs can contain more components than
are often referenced. I exploit this all the time with my common custom action
library. If I had to reference all components in the library in every link
job, it would become useless.
John Merryweather Cooper
Yes. Documentation is a never ending struggle. I have copious and growing
Basically, the components and binary table entries are different depending on
the database deployment method I'm using on a particular project. I have
projects that deploy using the WiX SqlExtension, I h
Well, on a "Repair", a previously installed component is going to be
reinstalled. By default, component conditions are considered only once. You'd
need to make the Component Transitive. But then you're going to run into the
situation where the component may uninstall under certain circumstanc
How are you registering the Windows service? If you're using InstallUtil.exe,
you'll need to roll your own rollback--it won't happen automatically. If
you're using the WiX Service authoring, it should rollback.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates
What you really want is for your UI to be displayed. You need to set the
MsiPackage@DisplayInternalUI attribute set to "yes". The default is "no".
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x79101
TFS Power Tools:
Tfpt.exe treeclean . /recursive /noprompt OR
Tfpt.exe scorch . /recursive /noprompt
For non-TFS version control, other tools can be used depending on your source
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Missio
Use the /qn switch on msiexec.exe to completely suppress UI. Also, be
careful--UILevel like most installer properties is case sensitive. The actual
property is UILevel. Since it is not upper case, it is not a public property
can can't be passed on the command line.
John Merryweather Coope
0xc0fd is "Unknown Software Exception." It's usually related to a stack
overflow somewhere.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
e Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-----
From: John Cooper
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 1:04 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] The Last Error Received is: 0xc0fd
How far back do you wixproj files go? Modern ones should have something like:
Re: [WiX-users] 64 bit version of MS build cannot find the WIX toolset
+1 (630) 227.8534 WORK
+1 (847) 909.9921 MOBILE
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:05 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML
23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ActionResul
t' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly referen
Mat Skildum
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:55 AM
To: General d
Building correctly on VS 2010 or 2012 doesn't tell you much as both of the
those cache references.
Where is the Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller assembly on your build
server, and what does the HintPath look like on the failing custom action
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & In
That doesn't look right. Bearing in mind that we're still using WiX 3.6 RTM,
my HintPath looks like:
..\..\..\..\..\Program Fil
Yes. The easy way is to inline them as sql:SqlString elements. You can then
embed properties in them which allow you to dynamically change the SQL run. If
inlining them is an issue, you could have a template SQL file with substitution
tags in it, apply a custom action to make the substitution
1) I assume you have previously obtained permissions to the IIS [7-8]
applicationHost.config file. Not just anybody can write to it.
2) It looks like you're creating an AppPool the hard way. One of the things
the IIS Extension does really well is create AppPools. I would use the IIS
itAppOnWin64 from false to true.
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: 28 August 2013 14:19
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Setting a value XmlConfig
1) I assume you have previously obtained per
't done anything regarding permissions, although I am writing to it on a
different component and that seems to be working.
I am not trying to create a AppPool as I am using the default, I am just trying
to change the enable32BitAppOnWin64 from false to true.
-Original Message
913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: John H Bergman (XPedient) [mailto:john.berg...@xpdnt.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:55 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Can we dynamically mo
A better way to do that would be to make them CompanionFile's with a versioned
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
ed, then you could introduce some nasty issues.
On 29 August 2013 14:26, John Cooper wrote:
> A better way to do that would be to make them CompanionFile's with a
> versioned assembly.
> --
> John Merryweather Cooper
> Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
> Jack H
@John Cooper: I am thinking we had some troubles with multi instance and
companion files in the past and have since removed them all from any of our
installs, but I wasn't around for that conversa
Rather than fighting the Windows Installer Service, use a different pattern.
For every property that has a component that writes it to the registry, I have
a matching RegistrySearch that loads the property with the contents of the
property written out by the matching component. Repairing and P
I suspect part of your problem is your concept of what a DirectorySearch or
FileSearch does. Both searches look for directories and files that already
exist at the time of the install. For example, I use a FileSearch to recover
the path to a web.config so I can recover it's encrypted connectio
Yes, I've used it to stop and start various IIS processes when I need to get at
a config file. Works just fine.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
files to be
> compared.
> @Microsoft: Hint, hint! :)
> On 29 August 2013 14:50, John Cooper wrote:
> > Agreed. When I need to do this, I make the non-versioned file a
> > CompanionFile of the assembly which has the API which consumes those
> files
Well, since you've got both the standard and the custom file referenced in your
error messages, it looks like you're linking in both UI's. Find the duplicate
UIRef element and remove it.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission
Although being able to specify perUser or perMachine is superficially very
appealing, it has significant implications for patching and upgrading that are
unacceptable in many deployment scenarios.
Make sure you're will to live with ALL of those implications. In my
experience, too many products
or upgrades.
- The Setup Project msi allows this choice and thats what I'm replacing, so it
must also offer the choice.
Have you a WixUI_*.xml that adds to WixUI_InstallDir.wxs a per-user/per-machine
On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 18:18 +, John Cooper wrote:
> Although being abl
You can stream the file from the Binary Table to the absolute path of your
choice (that you have permissions to), and then read it at your leasure, but if
the file is available at build time, it will be a lot cheaper and more reliable
to read it then.
Depending on the type of file, you may even
Sequence="1"? It's telling you that Sequence="0" is illegal. Why do you want
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
Assuming this is the source of the problem, the Registry element provides the
necessary functionality to remove a registry entry on uninstall (and a bunch of
other capabilities).
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 662
Instance transforms. But I'm not sure that's what you really want, and the
support for it is rather shaky.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
You're going to have to run in both sequences for it to have an effect during
the UI sequence. Also, keep in mind that only properties that are both public
and marked with the Secure attribute will cross over to/from UI and Exec.
Probably, you want to mark the CustomAction with firstSequence s
Yes, you can pass values from the burn command line to the MSI.
Create a Burn Variable:
And then pass it to your MsiPackage use an MsiProperty element:
John Merryweather Co
I would be very happy to volunteer to do this if the requisite VS 2013 bits
could be made available to me.
Don't know if my manager can get them from Microsoft under our contract with
them or not--he's new anyway.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associat
From: Christopher Painter [mailto:chr...@iswix.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 10:00 AM
To: John Cooper; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] [SPAM] Re: Weekly releases
The 2013 RC bits are available:
I don't think it will be hard either. Just waiting on approval.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: Chris
If you use $(var.MyProjectName.TargetDir)MyAssemblyName.dll correctly, it will
just work. Building with TFS 2010 or later, the Default Template will set
OutDir to the Binaries location for all projects. One of the many reasons this
is done is for performance--file I/O is one of the biggest tim
It is. On my Server 2012 install, that is exactly how Windows place PowerShell
3.0. I have both x86 and x64 versions installed.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
I've installed and used WiX 3.6 and 3.7 with both VS 2010 and VS 2012 with no
issues. What flavor of VS 2012 are you using?
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
Limited suffers of the same problem. It deletes a template but
fails to create a new one . But again, in VS 2010 the installation procedure
Might it depend from some VS 2012 configuration?
Thank you
Best Regards
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:joco
fails to create a new one . But again, in VS 2010 the installation procedure
Might it depend from some VS 2012 configuration?
Thank you
Best Regards
-Original Message-----
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: 21 October 2013 15:36
To: General dis
Inline it (brutal) or put it on a publically available share link and pass the
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Messag
Read in the documentation about overriding the SignCabs and SignMsi targets.
If you're doing Burn, you'll also want to look at overriding SignBundleEngine
and SignBundle.
Patches can also be signed given an appropriate target.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack He
Are your build servers 64-bit?
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: Tony [mailto:yellowjacketl...@gmail.com]
s set to x86 for the
Release/AnyCPU traget. That is same target used on my machine as well as the
build configuration in TFS.
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 2:48 PM, John Cooper wrote:
> Are your build servers 64-bit?
> --
> John Merryweather Cooper
> Build & Install Enginee
WixTargetsPath entries (created by Votive) in the wixproj just to make sure
they were not being invoked as they set WixTargetsPath to "...Program Files..."
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 3:28 PM, John Cooper wrote:
> It's not the target you're building to. It may
The pattern I follow is to:
1) have a custom action read XPaths from a table and save what it finds in the
existing file into properties;
2) re-write the XML file on install/upgrade with the values in those properties;
It is certainly possible to do a source control like merge, but your custom
Pretty standard as I see it in all of my logs. Permission/ACL's don't really
rollback. Noise.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
I also have a post with a rough outline of a project to make a patch using
admin installs at:
I'll try and update it when I have time.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Asso
In general, yes.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: Tony [mailto:yellowjacketl...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesd
There's much more than that involved. For example, Burn registers itself with
ARP and hides the installed product(s). In an instance transform world, this
means that: 1) the ARP entry displayed in Control Panel might not be what you
expect; 2) only the first instance will be have any ARP entr
Is SmartScreen turned on?
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: wixtester [mailto:sangee...@hotmail.com]
Use util:XmlConfig. There's a VerifyPath attribute that will allow to verify
whether a path already exists on "create" and only run if the path does not
exist. I use it for a similar purpose to yours (only mine are for server
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer --
No solution. Like you, I don't control the GP on my build controllers/agents,
and so I've had to suppress validation on all my newer build servers. Not a
happy story. CIS won't grant a variance.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
ephone | Téléphone 613-951-4405 Facsimile |
Télécopieur 613-951-1966 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com]
Sent: November-08-13 9:02 AM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Buil
That makes sense. All my stuff is services.
No way corporate will let me run my build controller interactive. Bummer.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-----
From: John Cooper
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2013 8:31 AM
To: General discussion about the WiX too
The latter. Binary diffs are non-trivial. For example of this, see how TFS
handles binary check-ins. Like you, my builds version every rebuilt assembly
every build. So, we're guaranteed at least several dozen "new" assemblies
every build. Patching without PatchFamily would essentially be ju
Learn something new every day. Gave -delta a spin and it seems good. I'll
have to give it a spin without PatchFamily next and compare results.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
7;t actually changed.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2013 3:
(Possibly) avoid the Burn bug tickled when you have detect-only Upgrade table
lines and Burn is trying to determine an upgrade.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
I have one product under development where that would be very useful since I
need to know the state on repair to fix up permissions on multiple databases.
Currently, I work around it by detecting the WCF service assemblies for each,
but detecting the Upgrade Code for each would be much cleaner
I hate appcmd.exe. That being said, CAQuietExec64 is usually a much better
choice. For example:
I have the commit bit instead of the deferred bit set for a reason. There's no
good way to rollback out of appcmd.exe calls. So I execute th
nry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
-Original Message-
From: John Cooper
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 3:31 PM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users]
I have worked for three different software companies (including Microsoft).
Everybody does it very differently. Even within Microsoft, there were very
significant differences between the way MSN did things and the way some of the
other teams operated.
I would prefer a very secure approach, bu
I would use firstSequence too. It has worked well for me in this scenario as I
do harvest data from one of my config files on upgrade. I have a table-driven
custom action that does a bunch of XML reads on XPATHs and stores them into
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engi
The effects of smart cabbing can produce this effect, but it's always best to
check the File Table and what is actually being installed.
John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer – ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®
Shawnee Mission, KS 66227
Office: 913-341-3434 x791011
Options that work: 1) give the text file a versioned binary CompanionFile; 2)
play games with the timestamp per other discussions on this list.
I currently use the CompanionFile technique in production, but I am intrigued
by manipulating the timestamps and I have a task for myself to implement
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