[WiX-users] Using DTF to Retrieve String Entries in Resource DLL

2011-03-18 Thread jnewton
I'm trying to use the Resource classes (i.e. Resource, ResourceCollection...) in the Microsoft.Deployment.Resources assembly that DTF ships to retrieve string entries from the RT_STRING table resource. I using the code: ResourceCollection rc = new ResourceCollection(); rc.Find(pathToDll); rc.Load(

Re: [WiX-users] Using New Lines in Text Fields for Custom WiX Extension Doesn't Work

2010-06-24 Thread jnewton
Thanks Rob, that worked great. -- View this message in context: http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/Using-New-Lines-in-Text-Fields-for-Custom-WiX-Extension-Doesn-t-Work-tp5214598p5217423.html Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -

Re: [WiX-users] Using New Lines in Text Fields for Custom WiX Extension Doesn't Work

2010-06-23 Thread jnewton
Looks like when posting, my xml character codes went away. Here is a screenschot of the codes. http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/file/n5215703/New_Line.png -- View this message in context: http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/Using-New-Line

[WiX-users] Using New Lines in Text Fields for Custom WiX Extension Doesn't Work

2010-06-23 Thread jnewton
There was an error importing table '' from file 'C:\Users\jnewton\AppData\Local\Temp\vzpbgirf\.idt'. C:\Users\jnewton\AppData\Local\Temp\vzpbgirf\.idt1 1 Is there a workaround to this? Maybe I am doing something wrong but you can use those xml codes in other

Re: [WiX-users] Is it possible to dynamically access a ?define variable in WiX

2010-02-16 Thread jnewton
Maybe I don't understand the GetVariableValue method, but it seems to need a prefix and a variable name. What if I want the normal variables with the prefix of "var" like $(var.myVariableName)? I didn't see any options to get the variables you defined in the wix source. Like I was thinking of some

Re: [WiX-users] Is it possible to dynamically access a ?define variable in WiX

2010-02-16 Thread jnewton
Hi Bob, Do you happen to how I can get a list of all the variables defined in the wix source? I am deriving from the PreprocessorExtension class. -- View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Is-it-possible-to-dynamically-access-a-define-variable-in-WiX-tp4582645p4583015.html Sent from

[WiX-users] Is it possible to dynamically access a ?define variable in WiX

2010-02-16 Thread jnewton
I'm trying to achieve the same functionality that NAnt provides with the property::get-value function in WiX. I have a list of languages that I need to loop through like so: Trying to do property::get-value(var.lang + '_cost') If that's not possible, can I just create a wix extension in wh

[WiX-users] Exe Created By Burn Doesn't Do Anything

2009-10-29 Thread jnewton
I'm testing out Burn and the setup.exe that it creates doesn't seem to do anything when I double-click on it. I took one of the example Burn tests and my manifest looks like: http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2008/Burn";> Then I'm just i

Re: [WiX-users] Suggestions on Disabling a Feature if Certain .NET Framework Isn't Installed

2009-09-28 Thread jnewton
I am starting to lean towards and option where as soon as the user hits the Next button on a Feature dialog, I have a custom popup or something that tells the user all the features they selected that are invalid (i.e. you selected .NET Framework 2.0 Support but .NET Framework 2.0 isnt' installed..

Re: [WiX-users] Suggestions on Disabling a Feature if Certain .NET Framework Isn't Installed

2009-09-26 Thread jnewton
That actually hides the feature I believe. From what I have read, you can't really disable items in a Feature tree. Apparently the SelectionTree control doesn't support it. Probably the best way would be to allow them select all the features and then when they click next, display a dialog of some

[WiX-users] Suggestions on Disabling a Feature if Certain .NET Framework Isn't Installed

2009-09-25 Thread jnewton
I have a feature tree that consists of several features that install .NET support. So I have a tree like ".NET Framework 2.0 Support" ".NET Framework 3.0 Support" ... What I would like to do is have those features either disabled or greyed out if the Framework associated with that feature isn't

[WiX-users] Curious Why WiX Build Outputs AnyCPU assemblies to the X86 Directory

2009-08-27 Thread jnewton
I was building WiX and noticed that AnyCPU assemblies are outputted to the x86 folder. I was just curious as to why this was the case. Its not a big deal, just curiosity. -- View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Curious-Why-WiX-Build-Outputs-AnyCPU-assemblies-to-the-X86-Directory-tp

[WiX-users] Does the WiX Build Use Any Type of Continuous Integration System?

2009-08-22 Thread jnewton
I like how the WiX build is setup with NAnt and so its a good reference point for me when creating my automated builds. I was wondering if yall use any type of Continuous Integration System like TeamCity to handle your builds? Or is it more of a manual process where you just sync the make.bat file

[WiX-users] Using DTF to Retrieve String Entries in Resource DLL

2009-08-05 Thread jnewton
I'm trying to use the Resource classes (i.e. Resource, ResourceCollection...) in the Microsoft.Deployment.Resources assembly that DTF ships to retrieve string entries from the RT_STRING table resource. I using the code: ResourceCollection rc = new ResourceCollection(); rc.Find(pathToDll); rc.Load

[WiX-users] Heat Not Working on x64 Primary Interop Assemblies

2009-07-27 Thread jnewton
I am running heat on some 64-bit PIAs so I can extract some COM registry keys. However, I recieve the message HEAT5150: Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be a SelfReg DLL: . If I add this PIA to a VS setup project and tell it to register, it generates the registry keys f

[WiX-users] How People Validate Their Installers

2009-07-17 Thread jnewton
I was curious to see how other people validate their installers to ensure they install the correct files, registry keys, etc into the proper locations. For example, if somebody on your development team says a file needs to be added to the installer and it needs to be installed into xyz directory,

Re: [WiX-users] Using Variables with YesNoType Attributes

2009-07-06 Thread jnewton
Hi Bob, I found out it actual works but you just get a warning from Visual Studio. I assume its validating the datatype in schema to what's being used. So everything is fine now. Thanks -- View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Using-Variables-with-YesNoType-Attributes-tp3182903p3

Re: [WiX-users] Using Variables with YesNoType Attributes

2009-06-30 Thread jnewton
Yeah, I meant to put 'yes' or 'no' in the post, but it doesn't matter. The wix compiler always says the value is invalid according to its datatype. -- View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Using-Variables-with-YesNoType-Attributes-tp3182903p3183321.html Sent from the wix-users mail

[WiX-users] Using Variables with YesNoType Attributes

2009-06-30 Thread jnewton
I have a scenario where I need to changed the value of a YesNoType attribute based upon a property I specify. In particular, during our beta period, we remove assemblies from the GAC. However, during release, we leak the assemblies to the GAC. This is done by setting the Permanent attribute on a c

[WiX-users] ExtractFiles() Method Doesn't Work on Merge Modules

2009-06-29 Thread jnewton
It appears the ExtractFiles() methods don't work on merge modules. The methods work fine on an MSI but not merge modules. It appears just by browsing through the source of the Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package assembly that we are trying to count the number of rows in the Media table w

[WiX-users] Wix Coding Conventions

2009-06-24 Thread jnewton
Is there any general best practices or coding conventions (i.e similar to the .NET Framework Design Guidelines) for WiX? I want to ensure consistency amongst all my MSIs created with WiX and so establishing these conventions will hopefully help that. If anybody has any links, suggestions, though

Re: [WiX-users] WiX VS Extension Seems to Corrupt Visual Studio Help Documentation

2009-06-19 Thread jnewton
Just to add, if I look at my old MSI created via the MSMs, there is the CustomAction entry of CA_HxMerge_VSCC_v80_x86_enu.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.48273237_1399_45CF_801C_338E1AB00E90 3650BIN_60378_x86_enu.48273237_1399_45CF_801C_338E1AB00E90 ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90 I don't see

[WiX-users] WiX VS Extension Seems to Corrupt Visual Studio Help Documentation

2009-06-19 Thread jnewton
I'm trying to use the WiXVSExtension to register our help in the Visual Studio documentation instead of the old way of merging in the Microsoft MSMs like VSIPCC_Collection_Files and HTML_Help_Registration__RTL_X86..., etc. The MSI appears to be created correctly with the right tables and every

[WiX-users] Issues with Strong Name Validation When Building My Own Wix Extension

2009-05-22 Thread jnewton
I am creating my own WiX extension and I initially was using the wix strong name key file. However, this required me to run the command : sn -Vr *,36e4ce08b8ecfb17 on any machine that used this assembly. Now I have my own strong-name key file and I have used that, but when I attempt to load the a

Re: [WiX-users] Using INSTALLDIR in MSM That Eventually Reflects the MSIs INSTALLDIR

2009-05-19 Thread jnewton
Hi Bob, The problem is that the exe that I am referencing is actually in the MSI that I am merging into. Basically the MSM just contains a bunch of static registry entries (i.e. basically just adding the registry keys for the exe's type library information). If I just [#blah.exe] in the MSM, it s

Re: [WiX-users] Using INSTALLDIR in MSM That Eventually Reflects the MSIs INSTALLDIR

2009-05-19 Thread jnewton
Yeah, you actually get ICE errors on that MSM. However, I am stuck now not knowing how I can reference the INSTALLDIR propery in my MSM. What is the proper way I should go about doing this? INSTALLDIR ends up being mapped to a location where I install various executables. My MSM installs various

[WiX-users] Using INSTALLDIR in MSM That Eventually Reflects the MSIs INSTALLDIR

2009-05-18 Thread jnewton
I used to have some MSMs created by Wise that had an entry in the directory tree of INSTALLDIR. This entry didn't have modularization (i.e. no GUID appended) and as such when I merged this MSM into an MSI, whatever value of the MSI's INSTALLDIR was, I was able to use this propery in my MSM's sourc

[WiX-users] Questions on Why WiX Installer Combines the VSAddIns into One MSI

2009-05-14 Thread jnewton
I've been looking over the WiX setup code which is used to create the WiX Toolset installer and had a best practice question regarding putting all support for Visual Studio versions into one MSI. WiX supports VS2005 and VS2008 and installs addins all in the same MSI. I'm actually in the same boat

[WiX-users] Avoiding ICE30 Errors When Installing Config Files Associated with Policy Assemblies

2009-04-23 Thread jnewton
I have two publisher policy assemblies (i.e. lets say one for version 8.6 and one for version 8.7). Both policy assemblies use the same config file. In order to successfully install these publisher policy files, MSI/fusion requires that the policy assembly and the config policy file are in the sam

Re: [WiX-users] Detecting Duplicate Rows in a Wix Extension

2009-03-31 Thread jnewton
Nevermind. I figured out a good way to get what I needed. -- View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Detecting-Duplicate-Rows-in-a-Wix-Extension-tp2563918p2566545.html Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ---

[WiX-users] Detecting Duplicate Rows in a Wix Extension

2009-03-31 Thread jnewton
I created a WiX extension for my group to use and there is a scenario where I need to check to see if a row that I'm adding to a table, already exists. Now, I tried the route of 1) Invoking CreateRow 2) Getting the Table reference from the row object 3) Looping through all the rows in the tabl

[WiX-users] Getting Error "A reference to ... could not be added. Make sure its a valid WiX reference" When Using Votive

2009-03-30 Thread jnewton
So I built an extension on one machine against build 4917 and took this assembly to another machine with the same build version. When I tried to add a reference to this extension, I got the error shown in the attached picture. Now, I have found that it sometimes doesn't load on my dev machin

[WiX-users] Optionally Removing Bitmaps from UI

2009-03-30 Thread jnewton
I would like to be able to set some property and have this affect whether or not the bitmaps are displayed in the UI. Our company has a framework that we already use which has common UI, but I wanted to have a basic UI that would display if my end-user happened to click on my individual UI. I

[WiX-users] Feature Conditions Not Being Applied

2009-03-21 Thread jnewton
I have several features in my installer feature tree. Some have conditions based upon App and Component searches. I see that the properties of the conditions are being set, but it doesn't seem like my Features are turning on and off based on them. My Features are always turned on. I even set the

[WiX-users] Installing 64-bit Assemblies into 32-bit Locations

2009-03-14 Thread jnewton
I need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit assemblies into a 32-bit location but I'm not sure how to appropriately setup my MSMs and MSIs. Our end-users will be using these assemblies in Visual Studio and could be developing a 32-bit or 64-bit app. The current layout is that I have a top-level assem

[WiX-users] Adding Custom Attributes to the Directory Element

2009-03-10 Thread jnewton
Is it possible to add custom attributes to the Directory element? I can add custom attributes to other elements like Features, Components, etc. Maybe its something with my schema? I tried the following but nothing worked: dsfasdfasdfasfsfsdf

[WiX-users] Best Way to Reference CustomTables In An External File

2009-03-05 Thread jnewton
I have a variety of MSIs that all include the same several custom tables. I would like to move this custom table to some type of WiX Library and then just have the MSIs reference this table and add in their own rows. I've actually structured it so that the MSIs just create some list that the custo

[WiX-users] Dynamically Inserting Custom Tables Before WiX Performs Preprocessing

2009-03-04 Thread jnewton
I would like to be able to dynamically add custom tables to my WiX source file. I have a variety of MSIs that all need these custom tables and I would like to catch the WiX compilation phase right before it expands all the variables values and insert these tables. For example, if I detect a certai

Re: [WiX-users] Having Problems Creating a Simple PreProcessor Extension

2009-03-04 Thread jnewton
ou have to but I can't figure out how to do that. jnewton wrote: > > Yeah, I followed that tutorial which is in the help. Right after I posted, > I figured out how to do it. I just didn't understand how to properly use > the EvaluateFunction method. > > All is wel

Re: [WiX-users] Having Problems Creating a Simple PreProcessor Extension

2009-03-04 Thread jnewton
? > > http://wix.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/wix/wix/src/chm/html/extension_development_simple_example.htm?view=markup > > Brian Rogers > "Intelligence removes complexity." - Me > http://icumove.spaces.live.com > > > On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:11 AM, jnewton wrote: > >> &g

[WiX-users] Having Problems Creating a Simple PreProcessor Extension

2009-03-04 Thread jnewton
I'm trying to create a basic preprocessor extension that will do simply what Peter blogged about http://blogs.msdn.com/pmarcu/archive/2007/04/27/wix-functional-preprocessing.aspx here (i.e. the functional preprocessing blog). I've tried to follow the steps in the WiX help to create my own functi

Re: [WiX-users] Installer hanging while doing FileCost

2009-01-28 Thread jnewton
Apparently that's the case cause I added a file to the basic installer I created and it doesn't hang. Weird. I guess like you said its something with MSI in general. -Jonathan Rob Mensching-2 wrote: > > Something in my memory remembers this tracked down to a Windows Installer > bug when there

Re: [WiX-users] Installer hanging while doing FileCost

2009-01-28 Thread jnewton
are? I have seen this a > few times but cannot reproduce it reliably. > > Neil > > -Original Message- > From: jnewton [mailto:jonathan.new...@ni.com] > Sent: 28 January 2009 21:40 > To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net > Subject: [WiX-users] Installer hangi

Re: [WiX-users] Best Practice for Ensuring All MSIs I Create Have the Same Values for MSI Properties

2009-01-28 Thread jnewton
-Jonathan Rob Mensching-2 wrote: > > That's the way I would do it. > > -Original Message- > From: jnewton [mailto:jonathan.new...@ni.com] > Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 10:56 > To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net > Subject: [WiX-users] Best Practice for Ens

[WiX-users] Installer hanging while doing FileCost

2009-01-28 Thread jnewton
I created a very basic MSI that doesn't install any files but simply references the UI_Minimal dialogs (i.e. ). When I run the MSI, it always hangs stating ""please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements". I saw another forum post http://n2.nabble.com/Install

[WiX-users] Best Practice for Ensuring All MSIs I Create Have the Same Values for MSI Properties

2009-01-28 Thread jnewton
I wanted to get peoples thoughts on best practices for ensuring all MSIs I create have the same values for MSI properties. For example, I would like all MSI's that I create to have these same settings: Currently I was storing these settings in a wixlib and then referencing this lib by all

Re: [WiX-users] Dealing with Components with Only Non-Versioned Files

2009-01-27 Thread jnewton
ent must not be a companion file." > > -Original Message- > From: jnewton [mailto:jonathan.new...@ni.com] > Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 06:15 > To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net > Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Dealing with Components with Only Non-Versioned > F

Re: [WiX-users] Dealing with Components with Only Non-Versioned Files

2009-01-27 Thread jnewton
post-build step.). Maybe I don't really need to do this, but this code has just been this way for years (i.e. in Wise). As I was converting over, I noticed this but wasn't sure how to handle it. -Jonathan Bob Arnson-6 wrote: > > jnewton wrote: >> I have a few components that

[WiX-users] Dealing with Components with Only Non-Versioned Files

2009-01-26 Thread jnewton
I have a few components that only contain non-versioned files (i.e. message files, fonts). Currently I am using a core DLL that I install as the companion file for the files in those components. However, this means that I don't have a keypath for these components. I'm not sure if this is a problem

Re: [WiX-users] Scheduling a Reboot After InstallFinalize

2008-12-01 Thread jnewton
InstallFinalize. It's > the ForceReboot action that is immediate. > > Phil Wilson > > -Original Message- > From: jnewton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 9:09 AM > To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net > Subject: Re: [WiX-user

Re: [WiX-users] Scheduling a Reboot After InstallFinalize

2008-12-01 Thread jnewton
hy are you using a Merge Module? Very unfriendly of a Merge > Module to shove a reboot into someone else's product... especially if they > already have a ScheduleReboot elsewhere. > > -Original Message- > From: jnewton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent:

Re: [WiX-users] Scheduling a Reboot After InstallFinalize

2008-12-01 Thread jnewton
nsching-2 wrote: > > > > > > Works for me. > > -----Original Message- > From: jnewton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 08:10 > To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net > Subject: [WiX-users] Scheduling a Reboot After InstallFinalize > > &

[WiX-users] Scheduling a Reboot After InstallFinalize

2008-12-01 Thread jnewton
I'm trying to convert some old Wise code over to WiX and ran into a problem where I need to invoke the ScheduleReboot action after InstallFinalize. According to WiX and Microsoft, you can't use the BaseAction column when using standard actions which is what I need to do. I always want ScheduleRebo