I usually put it on static folder so it can be server trought static
On 4 maio, 14:46, MaxDoesPython wrote:
> I am trying to integrate a javascript library (slickgrid) and can't
> seem to figure out where to place the images folder referred to by
> components of the library.
> in my
I don´t know if understood your problem right but looks like you are
using sqlite.
If that´s the case I guess it would be better and safer for you to use
another relational database such as mysql.
I think the problem could be you don´t have a db server.
On 4 maio, 13:44, annet wrote:
> I have one
I am with you Massimo.
I am only on what can be don for this do not become a mess.
As it´s so innovative it´s natural that there be many doubts but also
many expectatives.
I am starting a small company, I am using web2py extensively.
So lets do it.
(handshake goes here)
On May 24, 2:54 pm, Golden
>From those I prefer cube2py because of similarity with web2py and the
most important, sound!
I would like to sugest too, how about mix a little bit and come with
Wube ?
On 7 jul, 17:31, Kenneth wrote:
> I vote +1 cube2py and Cube^2 +1
> Kenneth
Well, I´ve got in situation that could not ocurr but situations seem
not to respect some rules.
I need simply to rename a table.
I can imagine some ways to do that.
I tried rename in MySql and rename respective .table file but didn´t
I gives me error with keys.
Another way I think is cr
I din´t understand:
- new db.table(id,[field=value]) and db.table(query) syntax to get
first matching record
On Aug 4, 9:33 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Found it:http://web2py.com/examples/default/version
> Tks
> 2010/8/4 Bruno Rocha
> > LOL
> > Really sorry when I read the thread menti
I have been insistent with GAE but now I hit a point that its
limitations are choking my app.
So I am trying with a regular shared server that I own.
The situation is: web2py must run with fastCGI in subdir like
The recipe from the book seems no to apply to my case.
I´ve trie
Somebody that uses fastcgi could help me please?
I am stuck.
I have shared hosting account and need to depploy web2py there.
The host says I need to use fastCGI to run python apps.
What are the steps needed?
To unsubscribe, reply using "remove me" as the subject.
Well, in my app I am using accordion from jQuery plus a session var to
indicate active item and som jQuery code to do the thing in the
It worked fine to my case. I tried to figure out the web2py way to do
this thought better to do my way.
Altough would be better do it simply.
On 28 abr,
I possibly found a problem with list:string field.
I´ve searched for a widget and I could found one for it.
So I starte to make my own based on this
I could be like that tag editor in plugin_wiki too but I found it
harder to base on it
does not know how to make a dropbox.
> You have a valid point though. There should be a default validator
> that allows to write strings separated by a comma or something like
> plugin tagging. Such validator has not yet been created.
> On Aug 26, 3:27 pm, yamandu wrote:>
On Aug 26, 7:28 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> try define
> def __call__(self,value):
> return [str(x) for x in value.split(',')]
> def formatter(self,value):
> return ', '.join(value)
> and use
I wrote a slice for my solution on this purpose.
It uses jQuery for a better interaction altough it needs a bit of
On Aug 27, 2:06 pm, yamandu wrote:
> Massimo, that gave me a ticket with this:
> Traceback (most recent cal
April Fools?
What a geek sutff!
It made me remember this http://www.cmstxt.com/how
A CMS with only 6kb made of txt files.
Quite geek but quite interesting.
It´s simplicity makes me think of using it integrated with another
tool. But I don´t know what.
On Sep 6, 1:20 pm, weheh wrote:
> LOL, ouch
I´ve just installed 1.85.2 and tried ListWidget, and verified that:
-when I send the form if it backs to form again all fields in the list
show the array from the entire field
-if is there another listfield in the same form, only the first shows
up correctly, the others seem to split the
first elem
Hi, I wrote a simple report the generates a PDF version using PyFPDF
that comes now with web2py.
I´ts here: http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/99
My goal is share and start a discussion to get this type of code
So, please, test it and comment!
yfpdf packages or
> maybe in web2py tools.
> If there is some concensus, we can make some patchs and try this alternatives.
> Best regards,
> Mariano Reingarthttp://www.sistemasagiles.com.arhttp://reingart.blogspot.com
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:44 PM, yamandu wrot
age), so we
> > can encapsulate common code, and later add that on pyfpdf packages or
> > maybe in web2py tools.
> > If there is some concensus, we can make some patchs and try this
> > alternatives.
> > Best regards,
> > Mariano Reingarthttp://www.
I have LOAD with ajax activated that loads a crud form and a list.
Crud form in a create when there is only one argument in request.args
is a update when request.args has two arguments.
The update is achieved via a trapped ajax link (that has two args) in
the list.
This LOAD as the detail part
I translate my pt-br.py but everytime I start the server again it
loses the translation.
What can be wrong?
Hi, I found this
Haven´t teste yet, but looks interesting.
The goal is help by letting code html/javascript code cleanner by
using templates
similar to web2py templates.
I always almost get crazy when writing html/javascript code.
It always get confusing and this might
her one or mix
> > with web2py is to complicate things. Perhaps not, but sure we are
> > going to have people writing python code in javascript block, and
> > javascript in python block.
> > On 2 oct, 02:10, yamandu wrote:
> > > Hi, I found thisht
I need to pass a dict from a row to render a template that is in DB.
I got error and verified that only decimal fields are not being put in
dict when I use: rows.as_dict()
Sure, it was posted.
On Oct 5, 3:00 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> This is a bug. Will look into it. Woud you post a bug report on google
> code?
> On Oct 5, 12:47 pm, yamandu wrote:
> > I need to pass a dict from a row to render a template that is in DB.
> > I got e
Everytime I restart the we2py server my language file become in
english again.
What may cause this behavior?
On Oct 6, 1:38 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> which web2py version? I remember fixing a bug about this months ago.
> On Oct 6, 11:38 am, yamandu wrote:
> > Everytime I restart the we2py server my language file become in
> > english again.
> > What may cause this behavior?
When I do a select() the row objects generated update_record and all
expected methods.
But when I do a select(db.table.somefield) the rows objects have no
update_record or any other method.
Is this expected or bug?
Had to fix the subject but problem persists.
On Oct 6, 2:45 pm, yamandu wrote:
> When I do a select() the row objects generated update_record and all
> expected methods.
> But when I do a select(db.table.somefield) the rows objects have no
> update_record or any other method.
can you send me an example of the languages/xx.py file before and
> after it gets overwritten?
> Massimo
> On Oct 6, 11:38 am, yamandu wrote:
> > Everytime I restart the we2py server my language file become in
> > english again.
> > What may cause this behavior?
Well, I think I never heard of it?
I looked into python help and couldn´t find it.
Should I have it?
On Oct 6, 3:21 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I think I see what the problem is... do you have Mark hammond win32
> extensions installed?
> Massimo
> On Oct 6, 1:13 pm, yamandu
I understand, perharps it does not make much sense.
But thanks for the answer.
On Oct 6, 2:57 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> If you do not select the record id there is not update_record because
> web2py does not know what the id of the record is.
> On Oct 6, 12:54 pm, yamandu wrote:>
It seems that this widget does not work when there is more than one
list:string field in a page.
On Oct 25, 2:01 am, mdipierro wrote:
> The list:string is not an alternative to using a tag table and
> tag_link many-to-many (an example of which is provided by
> plugin_tagging).
> Yet you should
Still an issue with list:string.
Whem the update form loads it´s normal.
When I submit it and back to it the list:string fields display as
Maybe because I loading the update form via LOAD function without
I tested list:string with the wizard and it works perfectly.
On O
Is there a way to integrate into my app?
On Nov 3, 8:39 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I just posted it. User Jeevan did it.
> On Nov 3, 4:24 pm, Christopher Steel wrote:
> > Wow, this seems to work really well!
> > Thanks!!! Great work
> > On Nov 2, 6:09 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > > This is Co
I need to do .sort() in a Rows object gerenarate by select join.
I get key error if I use onlye the field name.
Looks like the structure is different when it comes from a join.
So it sort must be different. This is bad.
How to do it?
> 2)
> rows=rows.sort(lambda row: row.table1.field1)
> On Nov 5, 12:31 pm, yamandu wrote:
> > I need to do .sort() in a Rows object gerenarate by select join.
> > I get key error if I use onlye the field name.
er windows you need it. If you use
> > > the web2py binary then it comes with it.
> > > without it you have no file locking and it is possible thet two web2py
> > > threads conflict (one writes a file, another tries to open, fails,
> > > overwrites it).
gt; >> >> > >> Looks like it fixed.
> >> >> > >> So simple!
> >> >> > >> Thanks!
> >> >> > >> 2010/11/5 mdipierro :
> >> >> > >> > delete it
> >> >> >
On Nov 8, 2:53 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Which problem returned? The cache problem or the language problem?
> 1.86.2 or 1.88.3?
> On Nov 8, 10:47 am,yamandu wrote:
> > OMG! The problem returned.
> > And said this too:
> > ERROR:root:Syntax error in C
After upgraded I got exception when try to redirect using
I used to do :
return redirect(URL(r=request, f='modelo'))
but it works no more, gives me a ticket that don´t tells the error
just the line.
The folowing is an exerpt from the ticket thrown by the book example:
def redire
But this fails when you to show the result of a query.
You can only filter by one field from the serverside. It´s good, but
not enough.
A lot of potential of this jquery plugin is being lost.
The editable jqgrid plugin is good, but is not documented and does not
work fully.
Would be nice to have it
One thing that could have to do with this is that I downgrade Python
recently from 2.5 to 2.5
On Nov 9, 2:30 pm, yamandu wrote:
> After upgraded I got exception when try toredirectusingredirect(URL()).
> I used to do :
> returnredirect(URL(r=request, f='modelo'))
I am just starting with Web2py and need to deploy on GAE.
The deploy itself is working fine using appcfg update.
I got errors on prodution app but that´s another problem.
My point here is how to develop FOR GAE.
I mean, I need the admin app but it doe not work whit dev_appserver.
With dev_apps
> On Aug 15, 11:10 am, yamandu wrote:
> > I am just starting with Web2py and need to deploy on GAE.
> > The deploy itself is working fine using appcfg update.
> > I got errors on prodution app but that´s another problem.
> > My point here is
I am in to same situation and untill now I realized the simpler
solution is use GAE option in DAL and develop running web2py directly
(admin works), test with devappserver (admin does not work) and deploy
with appcfg when done.
It is less invasive, maybe a little tricky, but I have not gone so far
> On Aug 16, 7:35 am, yamandu wrote:
> > So, just to make yet more clear: in devlopment I must use sqlite or
> > some other db, right?
> > On Aug 15, 2:07 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > > You can develop using the local server wsgi
It can be in fact foolish I am not realizing but it´s very strange.
When I deploy to GAE via appcfg.py and run a certain function that
depends on the module simplejson.scanner it fails.
In the log:
from simplejson.scanner import make_scanner
ImportError: No module named simplejson.scanner
installed with setup.py into
the system.
On 26 ago, 20:02, yamandu wrote:
> It can be in fact foolish I am not realizing but it´s very strange.
> When I deploy to GAE via appcfg.py and run a certain function that
> depends on the module simplejson.scanner it fails.
> In the
Web2py people,
I am developing an app with web2py on GAE that uses oauth to
authenticate on Twitter.
The app is giving an "Error 401: Unauthorized" to my callback
Can it be related to method GET or POST?
You received this message be
Maybe one solution could be like is made in other frameworks.
To have 2 objects: one for tables and one for queries, derivating
whatever is possible.
I remember in Delphi things are like that.
On 10 set, 19:22, villas wrote:
> Wow, thanks! Don't forget to include in the book.
> BTW have you
I was almost blaming SQLite and almost changed it.
Why the need of the default attribute?
Is this a bug? I did not understand.
On 10 set, 17:36, mdipierro wrote:
> def upload():
> import cStringIO
> data=request.body.read()
> f=cStringIO.StringIO(data)
> current_filename='bla.bla
Massimo, are you reading my mind?
I can work on the brazilian portuguese version!
On Nov 11, 7:30 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I would take some help in adding internationalization and improving/
> testing the fullcalendar capabilities. Also need to add search by
> tag.
> On Nov 11, 3:23 pm, mdipier
> > and
> > VALIDATOR(...,error_message=T(...))
> > Massimo
> > On Nov 12, 5:19 am, yamandu wrote:
> > > Massimo, are you reading my mind?
> > > I can work on the brazilian portuguese version!
> > > On N
Maybe it´s a stupid statement, if it is forgive me, but here it goes:
And if was there some kind of mask system, something similar to that
in COBOL for example (yes, I know...but it was very practical)
in the db model. Many db apps have this.
In this case it could use regex or some something simpl
Before I updated to 1.72.3 it does not run.
It goes to the ticket page and does not even open the ticket link.
Any issue with this version?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To pos
4, 2009 at 10:32 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Can you tell us more? What does not work?
> > On Nov 24, 7:30 am, yamandu wrote:
> > > Before I updated to 1.72.3 it does not run.
> > > It goes to the ticket page and does
The update method I used was simply copy merging the files from the
new version with the installation ones.
On Nov 25, 9:24 am, yamandu wrote:
> I had previous install through source (because I use GAE in
> production).
> Thought the crash could be because of python 2.6 recent ins
:03, yamandu wrote:
> The update method I used was simply copy merging the files from the
> new version with the installation ones.
> On Nov 25, 9:24 am, yamandu wrote:
> > I had previous install through source (because I use GAE in
> > production).
> > Thou
> with the ticket?
> On Nov 25, 6:45 am, yamandu wrote:
> > In fact, it was an almost obvious thing.
> > There was a bracket mistake on my code that I discover reverting to an
> > older version.
> > But the strange thing is that in the older v
> web2py.py --upgrade=yes
> Massimo
> On Nov 26, 5:12 am, yamandu wrote:
> > The problem when I update is that was not possible to see the error.
> > I got ticket screen but the link always led to another ticket screen.
> > So I think there wa
Could anyone here throw some light on this subject?
I think GQL has no update statement and Web2py does not support
So what´s the propper way to (batch) update records?
I mean in the case like that:
Field('x',integer) )
Suppose I want t
> It is going to be slow and not transaction safe.
> On Dec 1, 3:11 pm, yamandu wrote:
> > Could anyone here throw some light on this subject?
> > I think GQL has no update statement and Web2py does not support
> > expressions.
> > So wha
Maybe it´s another stupid question but I need to be sure.
Does delete cascade work on GAE?
If no there´s a recommended way to do this? Or a turn around?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@
e very slow and inefficient.
> > It may also fail if you have a lot of referencing records. I think on
> > GAE you have to delete them manually.
> > On Jan 4, 11:25 am, yamandu wrote:
> > > Maybe it´s another stupid question but I need to be sure.
> >
Google people recommend to use list properties to do many to many
Since now, all GAE types are supported, I ask:
Is or will be this supported in web2py? Or one must code it manually?
Someone has a tip to design relationships in web2py on gae?
I´ve been coding in web2py on GAE but so
s tomorrow.
> > On Jan 4, 9:35 pm, yamandu wrote:
> > > First, thanks so much again for quick answer Massimo!
> > > But I am not sure if I understood. Will be a there way to do so?
> > > Will it be normally transparent or have to write special code to
w you can do:
> tim=db.person.insert(name='Tim',friends=[])
> kim=db.person.insert(name='Kim',friends=[tim])
> friends_of_tim=db(db.person.friends==tim).select()
> Mind that this would only work on GAE and the "friends" field would
> not show up
I would like some tips too.
I see that now my app is growing and I changing between differents
Mainly I would like some tips about GAE because I guess many users
develop for it.
On Jan 15, 6:41 am, hcvst wrote:
> Hi,
> I started to use web2py in Jan 2009 and had a lot of fun using an
I am building an app that has some functions that need to be accessed
from a mobile, a pocket pc or maybe a cell phone.
The question is: using web2py what would be a working design?
I mean, what direction I must follow?
Anyone has made this?
I think I could be have different type of view for mobil
Maybe you put some args in the function or it´s misspelled or the path
is wrong.
On 27 Jan, 20:04, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> can you give an example of the more complex example?
> -Thadeus
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:20 PM, weheh wrote:
> > I'm a crud newbie. I've read the doc v2 on crud
Jan, 02:43, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> I made a mileage tracker for blackberry
> here:http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/15
> It's a simple app but hopefully will help.
> On Jan 27, 10:35 pm,yamandu wrote:
> > I am buildin
First: I tried to write comment on web2pyslices but it gives me an
Well, I got webgrid working.
Then stopped.
I restarted web2py and it worked again.
And now it stopped again no matter what I do.
The error is the following:
NameError: global name 'T' is not defined
on line 32:
I found I had put a import to redirect that was causing the crash.
Strange thing is that it looks like it was neeed in past (I don´t
remember why)
and now it crashes but removing ti everything is normal.
On Nov 11, 4:19 pm, yamandu wrote:
> One thing that could have to do with this is tha
crud.select() is not yet very usable.
I pesonaly wished it support:
-any query or rows (just like SQLTABLE)
-it could be ajaxable
Support the first two would be great for everyday use, I guess.
I tried webgrid, it´s great but does not work in my hosting because of
python version 2.4.
representation definition.
On Nov 13, 6:37 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> {{=plugin_wiki('jqgrid',table)}}
> already does ajax search, pagination, etc. crud.select should be able
> to do some of these without ajax.
> On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, yamandu wrote:> crud.select()
> is n
> > > to
> > > web2py with mainsite/examples app, also I want to list some public visible
> > > websites. Where should I point this? on my profile or in projects?
> > > Will web2py itself be included as a project?
> > > PS:
> > > Carl
Wow, we could have a presentation like that http://www.silverstripe.org/
Em segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2012 09h02min56s UTC-3, Gour escreveu:
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 21:45:15 +1000
> Alec Taylor
> wrote:
> > If I wasn't working on a separate sizable web2py project (a
> > social-network)
Just one resource I found interesting: http://workflowpatterns.com/
Em terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012 23h58min19s UTC-2, mart escreveu:
> Something to think about if effort is put on this (just a suggestion).
> You may want to consider the importance of 'roles' in an implemented
> wf engi
I am trying to parse a HTML with the TAG helper from a fetched URL using
The HTML is broken in some parts, it has end span tags without respective
start span tags.
TAG helper gives error: unable to balance span tag.
I tested it. Open tags not closed are parsed, but not closed tags witho
79 matches
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