Yes, I wish I could let the user input strings that don´t belong to predetermined set. A type of list that can add new itens does not make much sense for me. This is just a multi select, not properly a list in its most meaningful sense.
On Aug 26, 5:36 pm, mdipierro <> wrote: > This is not wrong. > > The problem is that your field has type='list:string' but you did not > set requires=IS_IN_SET(('aaa','bbb','ccc')) or requires=IS_IN_DB(...) > Without the validator web2py does not know which options are valid and > which ones are not and does not know how to make a dropbox. > > You have a valid point though. There should be a default validator > that allows to write strings separated by a comma or something like > plugin tagging. Such validator has not yet been created. > > On Aug 26, 3:27 pm, yamandu <> wrote:> I possibly > found a problem with list:string field. > > I´ve searched for a widget and I could found one for it. > > So I starte to make my own based on > > this > > I could be like that tag editor in plugin_wiki too but I found it > > harder to base on it. > > > The problem is when you update a field of type list:string using the > > item1|item2|... syntax it parses correctly and saves like array > > ['item1','item2'] > > But if you update the record it shows like ['item1','item2'] and if > > you simply save it without editing it saves as ['['item1','item2']'] > > > I think the correct would it to reverse parse it to the | syntax, via > > widget maybe. > > If it was like this it would be simpler to adpat the above mentioned > > jQuery plugin. > > But the way it is it´s need to do two types of parses. > > > Is this really wrong or not? > >