I'm an old scientist and engineer.
I agree all of the writers in this topic.
But web2py is products for prgrammer than for end-usesr or
And there are many end-users and application-programmers and programmers
are a few.
In the web2py programes there is some gaps for th
Thanks for developers of web2py programs.
I'm not a programmer but a scientist and engineers.
I'm often programming if necessary.
At recent, I began to study the web2py system.
I start the welcome examples.
And I modified only the models of the new welcome applications, and titled
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/song/WEB2PY/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 205, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
"/home/song/WEB2PY/web2py/applications/Working/views/default/index.html", li
2012년 6월 14일 목요일 오후 9시 4분 43초 UTC+9, Johann Spies 님의 말:
> On 14 June 2012 11:14, song wrote:
>> My system is debian and web2py version is last ( manybe
>> 1.99.7--web2py_src.zip )
>> I'm studying and there are many mistake in my codes
Dear Sir,
throught studing, I have some questions but there are no exaples.
How can I define the database in
Field('phone'), # ---> [‘000-000-1234’,'001-001-1245', ‘three’,
Field('email'), # ---> {‘office’: 'y...@gmail.com',
Thankks a lot
2012년 6월 15일 금요일 오후 3시 37분 8초 UTC+9, Anthony 님의 말:
> db.define_table('person',
>> Field('name'),
>> Field('phone'), # ---> [‘000-000-1234’,'001-001-1245', ‘three’,
>> ‘banana’]
>> Field('email'), # ---> {‘office’: 'y...@gmail.com', ‘home’:'
>> n...@yahoo.com'}
I start to study the web2py system. I understand the models and a little
But now it is very difficult for me to understand the complex views
Are there more simple and concise ppt or pdf files?
Thanks a lot.
I don't know the css, HTML5 and lack of web languages and tools makes me
hard to understand.
Today I met the programmer and from him I took some advices.
But for him it is very easy and ..
Thanks ... Anthony and marco mansilla...
Now, I am a starter in web2py after a few day
I'm studying hard.
I will change the menu in the top of the screen. There are some menus like
Login, Lost Password.
But unhappily there are no menu.py ( in models directory).
I want to change the menus including some others like the Login, Lost
Password, Register etc..
Which files wil
Thanks a lot, Massimo !!!
2012년 6월 26일 화요일 오전 10시 45분 9초 UTC+9, song 님의 말:
> Hi!
> I'm studying hard.
> I will change the menu in the top of the screen. There are some menus
> like Login, Lost Password.
> But unhappily there are no menu.py ( in models direct
Nowdays I study the web2py.
I met the problems for me only.
By the appadmin.py, the database was constructed.
Then at the 'state' , there are problemes in the CSV import.
db files
Field('name', unique=True),
I correct db. like above
2012년 6월 30일 토요일 오후 1시 6분 43초 UTC+9, song 님의 말:
> Nowdays I study the web2py.
> I met the problems for me only.
> By the appadmin.py, the database was constructed.
> Then at the 'state' ,
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