, selecta wrote:
> well kind of ... the users should get their "old" customization back
> once they are logged in
> this is the easy part, I just have to load the pickledsessionfrom
> the db (I guess), but my question is how to store it properly
> if I store thesessioninf
New todo
no need for def new():
On May 11, 10:16 pm, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> I was to display a form using Ajax in response to a click on a link on the
> page. I have tried putting this in the view:
> New todo
> with this in the controller:
> def new():
> return = LOAD('todo','tod
or you could do
New form
On May 12, 10:38 am, selecta wrote:
> onclick="web2py_component('{{=URL(request.application,'todo','todo_form')}}',
> 'mytarget');">New todo
> no need for def new():
> On May 11, 10:16
Typo, it should be
use this css style rather and href="#" so the page will not jump when
you click the "link"
On May 12, 10:42 am, selecta wrote:
> or you could do
> onclick="web2py_component('{{=URL(request.application,'todo&
I cannot get I to work
I went to http://vimeo.com/10149605
pressed my bookmarklet, it said saving
but I cannot find any videos on my radbox page?
did I do something wrong?
I am using opera 10.53 Internal on ubuntu 10.04
On May 11, 11:40 am, Adi wrote:
> I saw some discussions flying around about
7;t really like much (and we don't like IE at
> all!). When you saw "Saving..." message once it saves the message
> should change to "Saved". Give it another shot. Sorry for the issue.
> On May 12, 5:25 pm, selecta wrote:
> > I cannot get
I have a similar problem
format = "%(name)s",
Field('person', db.person, requires = IS_IN_DB(db,
'person.id', '%(name)s')),
def edit_contributer():
I want to display an image like is is described in the image blog
example from the book, however it does not work since the SVG image is
returned as a download not an inline image.
I know that this default option is good for some browsers but in my
application I want the SVG to appear as an image i
ok I asked to fast
IMG(_width = "200px", _src = URL(request.application, 'default/
download_show', model.graph))
def download_show():
return response.download(request,db, attachment=False)
solved it
On May 19, 12:45 pm, selecta wrote:
> I want to display an image
ters.person.writable = False
> record = request.args(0) # <<<< 0 not 1
> form = crud.update(db.contributers, record)
> return dict(form = form)
> On May 18, 5:45 am, selecta wrote:
> > I have a similar problem
> > db.define_table('perso
I am trying to customize auth with
auth_table = db.define_table( auth.settings.table_user_name,
Field('first_name', length=128, default='',requires =
Field('last_name', length=128, default='',requires =
you cold do it the following way:
add this to models/db.py
import os.path
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
class Config:
to configure please use the config file that is created with this
under unix systems you will find it under
I want to run web2py from a user that is not root on a debian vserver.
The problem is that only the root user is allowed to start
applications that use port 80.
>From what I understand right now I have to create an init script
under /etc/init.d/ that will allow a certain user to use prot 80.
a HTML validation of my web2py site states
Line 171, Column 24: value of attribute "id" invalid: "9" cannot start
a name
It is possible that you violated the naming convention for this
attribute. For example, id and name attributes must begin with a
letter, not a digit.
o <script type="text/javascript">
On Jun 17, 2:40 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> please check fix in trunk
> On Jun 17, 7:18 am, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote:
> > a HTML validation of my web2py site states
> Jason Brower
> On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 06:13 -0700, selecta wrote:
> > looks better but I still get
> > Line 169, Column 18: required attribute "type" not specified
> > <!--
> > The attribute given above is required for an element th
itrary attributes, you might
> > > > go into LoadFactory.__call__() method, near the end, and add a _type
> > > > parameter to the two html.SCRIPT() calls (around line 137 & 140, I
> > > > think), something like this:
> > > > html.SCRIPT
I use opera every day :)
For me everything is really fast ... since I changed to 10.5x
But I really don't know what you mean with the programming thing? Do
you mean Firefly, the debugger? That works really fast for me, even
though I am very annoyed that you cannot use it offline, that means no
s well on linux. Weird. Thanks!!
> > On Jun 18, 7:59 am, Carl wrote:
> > > I don't use Web2py integrated code editor (I use Eclipse) but I had a
> > > look for you.
> > > On my Windows 7 box using Opera 10.53 the editor runs speedily.
I got the "Invalid reset password" when clicking (twice?? did not
check it) the confirmation link that was send with the email, this
error message is somewhat misleading
On Jun 18, 6:59 pm, pecos1046 wrote:
> I also get the "Invalid reset password" flash on a request reset
> password. I have look
I agree, routes is tricky,
I tried a redirect that that calls /myapp when calling www.mysite.com
but i only got it to redirect calls from www.mysite.com to www.mysite.com/myapp/
without hiding the /myapp part
I know I will figure it out at some point, but web2py is "the easy
framework" and I guess
someone on the mailing-list pointed to http://kodingen.com/
have not used it though
On Jun 19, 3:46 pm, Giuseppe Luca Scrofani
> Hi, my little first (serious) application is ready, now I have to
> place it somewhere in the 'net.
> Before paying for hosting services, can I try on a free hos
when I create a form field with the following code
Field('open_source',requires =
IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET((True, False), zero = 'unknown')),
widget=SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget, default = None),
I get vertical aligned radio boxes. Is there a build in method for
showing the radio boxed h
how can I get some nice graphical statistics from the httpserver.log?
I tried to use webalizer but it cannot parse the log format, any other
suggestions or fixes?
this plugin allows file previews of the following mimetypes
image/gif image/jpeg image/png image/svg+xml image/tiff image/
text/* (source-code)
i created a form with
form = form_factory(
Field('role', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label="Name"),
Field('description', 'text')
and rendered it with
am, selecta wrote:
> i created a form with
> form = form_factory(
> Field('role', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label="Name"),
> Field('description', 'text')
> )
> and r
could you please at least tell me if I should write the hradio
(horizontally aligned radio boxes) widget?
On Jun 25, 12:19 pm, selecta wrote:
> when I create a form field with the following code
> Field('open_source', requires =
How do I display the edit history?
For example I want to preserve the original creator and see who edited
it. How I understand this right now I would add the following fields
to each table that is archived
tial since otherwise
the edit history cannot be constructed properly
On Jul 2, 12:10 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Looks good. This assumes you you created the table_name+'_archive'
> according to crud.archive.
> On 2 Lug, 04:09, selecta wrote:
> > How do I displa
no I have to correct myself, order of edits can be reconstructed by
the id of the archived records
On Jul 2, 1:40 pm, selecta wrote:
> I tried it and this is NOT how it works
> the current_record Field always points to the latest version
> thus you can do
> current_record_versi
I want to change the value of a field that is writable=False of a form
that was created with crud.update
def edit():
table, record = getTableRecord(request)
if record:
#this will show the right content but will not be stored in db
record.created_on = request.now
this is a question
I thought I would be able to change a value of a field that is not
writable for the user
if this is not possible please consider this as a suggestion
On Jul 2, 3:03 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> is this a question or a suggestion? ;-)
> On 2 Lug, 07:20, selecta wrote:
ve to set db.table.field.default=... to set the value on
> creation and db.table.field.update=... to set the value on update.
> On 2 Lug, 09:31, selecta wrote:
> > this is a question
> > I thought I would be able to change a value of a field that is not
> > writ
I got it to work on one server instance but on another it just always
returns None
On Jul 5, 1:43 pm, Kuba Kucharski wrote:
> this appliance is awfully bugged with indentation errors more than 40
> errors inside?
> --
> Kuba
I like it very much, however I have the requirement of adding a wiki
with a wysiwyg interface, any chances on implementing that within
cube2py ... maybe using elRTE or is this just not feasible?
anyway nice work :)
On Jul 7, 5:21 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I responded to this press the upgrade bu
sorry wrong thread
On Jul 8, 5:47 pm, selecta wrote:
> I like it very much, however I have the requirement of adding a wiki
> with a wysiwyg interface, any chances on implementing that within
> cube2py ... maybe using elRTE or is this just not feasible?
> anyway nice work :)
I like it very much, however I have the requirement of adding a wiki
with a wysiwyg interface, any chances on implementing that within
cube2py ... maybe using elRTE or is this just not feasible?
anyway nice work :)
On Jul 7, 2:27 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> # Preamble
> As you know T2 and T3 are dep
I tried to import gluon.contrib.login_methods.linkedin_account
and got
File "/.../web2py/gluon/contrib/login_methods/linkedin_account.py",
line 45
profile = api.GetProfile(profile.public_url = "http://
SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
no really wysiwyg? you are my HERO :D
On Jul 13, 12:05 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> It would be nice it were possible to modify elRTE to allow
> 1) not adding <..> tags inside ``...``:widget blocks
> 2) call the widget builder from inside elRTE.
> On 13 Lug, 04:49, mdipierro wrote:
> > Please
Since I like the idea of having a php.net like documentation
application I took some time and created a basic application that may
kick-start the development of a web2py app that is just that.
So far only few features are implemented and this is rather a proof of
concept than the real thing.
I will
maybe this will help a bit understanding the different components
On Jul 16, 10:19 am, Jonas Rundberg wrote:
> Thank you,
> I've been trying to find more information about LOAD,
> web2py_component, web2py_ajax_page and web2py_trap_form, but
here are some screenshots of erros that I got when trying out the
, mdipierro wrote:
> Thank you! I will take a look.
> On 15 Lug, 11:02, selecta wrote:
> > Since I like the idea of having a php.net like documentation
> > application I took some time and created a basic application that may
> > kick-start the developme
It broke mine when I tried change the dropbox to gluon.
> On Aug 5, 12:46 pm, mikech wrote:
> > Works on mine but the section headings are very light.
> > On Aug 5, 9:47 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > > seems to crash my browser. :-(
> > &g
fixed both requests :)
now loads the tree async and the headers are readable
also improved displaying of doc for objects of type "type"
On Aug 6, 9:29 am, selecta wrote:
> Yes sorry i just tested in opera 10.60 which has a very fast javascrip
> engine.
> The problem is that
ill be most assessible.
> - Sometimes Tree view close after expanded
> On 8/6/10, selecta wrote:
> > fixed both requests :)
> > now loads the tree async and the headers are readable
> > also improved displaying of doc for objects of type "type"
I wonder if I can use the plugin wiki, or at least the code that
creates and parses the pages to create non threaded comments?
Anyone done that already? How would I start?
In case you want to know - I want to add this to doc2py
> where you are attaching the comments to the item
> db.mytable.id==myrecord
> On Aug 9, 7:58 am, selecta wrote:
> > I wonder if I can use the plugin wiki, or at least the code
record, but rather a unique string
for each "record" (in my case this are module names + class names +
function names)
On Aug 9, 3:50 pm, selecta wrote:
> thanks, i understand, i will try it
> I noticed that line 132 of controllers/plugin_wiki.py should probably
> read
the elRTE.prototype.options.panels.web2pyPanel should also contain
'indent', 'outdent'
otherwise it is not possible to create nested (un)sorted lists
the help text for the markmin language should only displayed on mode
== 'markmin'
add on line 41 of page_edit.html
{{if DEFAULT['mode
new features:
rpx login
minimal comments (this will be improved when I find out how to get the
markmin editor working for the comments)
On Aug 9, 11:10 am, selecta wrote:
> default color is now black
> the expanding of the tree is a "bug" caused by the async jquery
On Aug 10, 2:34 pm, "Martin.Mulone" wrote:
> All seem to working fine for me, in some titles you have gray
> background and gray titles.
Do you mean the section headers like "SOURCE CODE" and "TAGS"
These are intentionally dark grey on light grey, if this is still not
readable I will see If i can
new feature:
parsing of docstrings strings as examples (searches for any occurrence
of >>>)
> Yes, make more darker and lighter the other.
made the headers a bit darker
i am currently working on that, i will report back when it is done :)
On Aug 11, 3:31 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Is there any way to copy a *permalink* to a function?
> e.g :http://semanticsbml.org/doc2py/default/index/gluon/contrib/login_meth...
> 2010/8/11 selecta
the module/class/function name in the top now contains a permlink to
On Aug 11, 4:35 pm, selecta wrote:
> i am currently working on that, i will report back when it is done :)
> On Aug 11, 3:31 pm, Br
> A minor suggestion: when an arg default is [] or {}, it would enhance
> readability to stick a space in there. Or set it in a monospace font.
> (I can't say I'm a big fan of Andale Mono, though.)
changed both columns to plain monospace font
btw, when playing around with doc2py I noticed that you can access
things like
and other libs that are installed on that server
however standard libs like sys and os do not work ...
On Aug 12, 12:44 am, selecta wrote:
> > A minor sugg
can anybody give me a hint how to get the markmin editor (including
the attachments part) seperated from the plugin wiki
I would like to create a comments controller that uses the markmin
editor to create comments
On Aug 9, 4:03 pm, selecta wrote:
> I tried it but it is not quite what I w
If i replace a directory with a symlink the application works fine but is not showing the
symlinked directory
e.g. in application test I symlinked the views/default directory in it is looking like
I agree that an on-line book is a bad idea, I never liked to read text
for humans while programming, it just distracts me, (even the nice
book from Massimo)
if we had something like the php documentation it would be awesome
The documentation (epydoc) is already quite good but the interface is
displayed in admin
app designer)
On Feb 4, 2:04 am, mdipierro wrote:
> what os? make sure the case is correct
> On Feb 3, 3:17 pm, selecta wrote:
> > If i replace a directory with a symlink the application works fine
> > buthttp://
if you know the problem of writing plug-ins for multiple applications,
then this is for you. The Plugin Manager allows you to copy and
symlink plug-ins so that if you e.g. develop a comments plug-in you
can use it in two applications at the same time while continuing to
develop just one plug-in
you can test this for yourself with this
click on a plugin to manage it, test the plugin, it will still work
but e.g. the views will not be visible in the admin design interface
On Feb 4, 1:13 pm, selecta wrote
ume this
> is unix only?
> On Feb 4, 7:28 am, selecta wrote:
> > Hi,
> > if you know the problem of writing plug-ins for multiple applications,
> > then this is for you. The Plugin Manager allows you to copy and
> > symlink plug-ins so that if yo
1) ok, i got the book, but 2 resources are better then one, people
explain differently so it will help to have a second source
2.0) love the idea :) exactly my thought ,
also i would split the docstring into multiple sections:
a) (short) description,
b) explanations of input and output variabl
On Feb 9, 7:40 am, Jason Brower wrote:
> Don't know if I can discribe this in type but...
> I need a validator that can alow only one A B C D E F other wise it
> should be 0
> I haven't figure out how to make IS_IN_SET(["A","B","C","D","E","F"])
On Feb 9, 11:36 am, selecta wrote:
> IS_EMTPY_OR(IS_IN_SET(["A","B","C","D","E","F"]))
> On Feb 9, 7:40 am, Jason
I really like the psql module http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pSQL/0.9.2
you can do things like
result = db.Address.City["Oklahoma%"]
at the beginning it was hard for me to learn the web2py dal, now it is
ok to use it but sometimes I wish i could do things like in psql
On 9 Feb., 19:51, Thadeus Burge
denesL: looking very much forward to that, hope i can also use it to
document my own code with it
On 9 Feb., 16:01, DenesL wrote:
> BTW I am working on improving the web2py wiki app, maybe it will be
> done today.
> On Feb 8, 11:43 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> > For the web2py spanish d
Just my 2 cents:
Any site documenting/hosting a web2py community should be web2py, I
don like google groups i don't like the idea of joining in a non
web2py wiki.
I can see it is easier and makes even more sense to reuse something
good but if the docu/community platform isn't a web2py show-off then
let me see, I improved it a bit lately, I will check and upload a new
version if i found the bug
On Feb 11, 2:45 am, Alexandre Andrade
> When I try to delete a folder/file, it creates repeats the last action.
> (Usually creating a second file/folder)
> How solves it?
> --
> Atenciosame
ok should be fixed
same problem should occur with selecting/deselecting folders, will fix
that soon
On Feb 11, 1:00 pm, selecta wrote:
> let me see, I improved it a bit lately, I will check and upload a new
> versio
On Feb 11, 2:41 pm, selecta wrote:
> ok should be
> fixedhttp://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~fkrause/web2py.plugin.webfolder.w2p
> same problem should occur with selecting/deselecting folders, will fix
> that soon
> On Feb 11, 1:00 pm, selecta wrote:
nice, I am excited :)
On Feb 11, 4:10 pm, Alexandre Andrade
> I'm developing access management, it is a client's requirement.
> I will use auth of web2py.
> Soon its ready, I will post it back.
> 2010/2/11 selecta
> > o
http://www.web2py.com/ down up
On Feb 12, 2:21 am, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2010, at 5:20 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > It has moved. It is not here:
> >
> > My DNS has not refreshed in 2hrs. I tried
> > sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
Field(..., requires=IS_IN_SET([(1,'a'),(2,'b')(3,'c')]) should work
for order preserving list
Field(..., requires=IS_IN_SET({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}) should work for
non order preserving lists
On Feb 12, 2:12 am, Brian M wrote:
> You could also try this
> method:http://wiki.web2py.com/Form_Select_O
o a plugin.
> On Feb 11, 9:10 am, Alexandre Andrade
> wrote:
> > I'm developing access management, it is a client's requirement.
> > I will use auth of web2py.
> > Soon its ready, I will post it back.
> > 2010/2/11 selecta
> response.headers['web2py-component-command'] = \
> 'web2py_ajax_page("GET","%s","","a_list")' \
> % URL(r=request,f='a_list')
> returns instructions to the page when a form is
I want to add some elements to a form_factroy form while leaving the
other form elements as they are.
My controller looks something like
def test():
form = form_factory(
Field('priority', 'integer', requires=IS_IN_SET([(1,'1
- Lowest'),(2,'2'),(
Free web2py Appliances
Appliance "sementic web2py" (#58)
download does not work
shouldn't it be called semAntic web2py??
I cannot post comments with opera
Version 10.10
Build 4742
Platform Linux
e.g. http://web2py.com/book/default/section/5/0
You received this message
On Feb 13, 2:44 pm, DenesL wrote:
> Since it is custom it all depends on what you want it to look like.
> Have you readhttp://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/205?
> On 13 feb, 07:10, selecta wrote:
> > I want to add some elements to a form_
with version 1.74.11 and above you do not need to modify
validator.py :)
.. will fix the missing import, thx
On Feb 14, 9:35 pm, villas wrote:
> On Jan 29, 9:38 am, selecta wrote:
> > It depends on an improved IS_IN_SET validator. To use the plug-in you
> > need to replace
ok it's fixed
@villas: If you liked that I'm sure you will like some of the more
advances plug-ins that I am currently developing and planing :)
On Feb 14, 9:46 pm, selecta wrote:
> with version 1.74.11 and above you do not need to modify
> validator.py :)
> .. will
Ah no that won't work since the extra elements are in a different HTML
I really need
form starts
table with data and switches (custom)
inner sqlfom here ({{=form}} without start and close)
form close
On Feb 14, 9:44 pm, villas wrote:
> Hi selecta
> Maybe you mean manu
This is not 100% web2py related but I am sure if this will be answered
many of you will profit at some point from it.
Is there a python module that helps you to display dates and times
nice e.g.
just now (for within the last 5 minutes)
2 hours ago
2 days ago
15th February 2009
I guess somebo
ks ago' % int(dt.days/7)
> elif dt.days>=7:
> return '1 week ago'
> elif dt.days>=2:
> return '%s days ago' % int(dt.days)
> elif dt.days==1:
> return '1 day ago'
> else:
> return 'toda
my view:
my controller:
def upload_doc():
print 'vars ',request.vars.keys()
form = form_factory(Field('sbmlfile','upload',
requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label='SBML file'))
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
if not request.vars.sbmlf
maybe this should always be done this way
On Feb 15, 10:44 am, selecta wrote:
> my view:
> {{=LOAD('default','upload_doc',ajax=True,)}}
> my controller:
> def upload_doc():
> print 'vars ',request.vars.keys()
> form
guess i should wait till i really tested it, file content is not
submitted, just the file name :(
On Feb 15, 10:56 am, selecta wrote:
> ok already fixed it by usinghttp://jquery.malsup.com/form/
> in web2py_ajax.html at the top i added
> response.files.insert(3,URL(r=request,
aren't slices for things that work? this does not work, you may have
missed my third comment
anyway I got it to work with a different jquery plugin, and I will
post that as a slice
On Feb 15, 4:21 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> would you pst a web2pyslice about this?
> On Feb 15, 3:
I like this, that means that they will produce technology that can be
used/integrated into web2py.
On Feb 16, 5:57 am, mdipierro wrote:
> http://haineault.com/blog/125/
> P.S. Of course we have 3 years of head start and the web2py
> architecture was designed for this, theirs isn't.
You rec
> I have a table with 2 fields:
> db.define_table("table1",
> Field("field1", "string"),
> Field("field2", "string"))
> field1 is required so there should be two options:
> 1. the user enters something in field1 and field2
> 2. the user enters something in field1 and leaves field2 blank
Yeah! :)
On Feb 19, 7:00 am, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> You can now request a slice on web2pyslices.com. You will be notified
> if someone creates a slice based on your request. There will
> eventually be a hall of fame to honor those who have created the most
> slices and responded to the most reques
how can I tell crud to redirect to an url that displays the created
item (of course only on successful creations)
my controller looks like that
def edit_method():
if not request.args:
return dict(form = crud.create(db_method), method = None)
#something with next/onvalidate/... here?
> Also, I couldn't find a link to the epydocs ? Where did that go? It
> was really great!
under http://web2py.com/examples/default/docs
i can see
or just go to
You received this messa
did you try request.env.web2py_path+'/
applications/'+request.application ?
On Feb 20, 10:40 am, sherdim wrote:
> Hello,all!
> How to get application path inside module correctly?
> When using os.getcwd() for web2py root it is needed the application
> path also.
> request is not available,
m = crud.create(db_method), method = None)
> method = db(db_method.id == int(request.args(0))).select().first()
> form = crud.update(db_method,
> method,onaccept=redirect_parent(URL(.)) #<<<<<
> return dict(form = form, method = method)
> On Feb 19
pm, mdipierro wrote:
> The id is in form.vars.id
> On Feb 20, 6:18 am, selecta wrote:
> > ah thanks, but could I ask for one addition
> > how do I redirect to a record just created with crud?
> > crud.create(db_method, onaccept =
Sometimes you still have to write html in web2py which is annoying. It
might not be new to all of you but I just discovered zen html that
really speeds up the process.
In my example i customized the zen key to ctrl + z
What it does:
and you get
with you cursor in the middle of the d
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