[web2py] How to make a simple counter

2011-03-05 Thread minux
Hi guys, I am pretty new to web2py and really enjoy learning this neat framework. However, I've just encountered a problem, while trying to developing a simple image gallery. I want to put a simple counter under each image, but could not figure out how to do so. Here are the relevant code db.def

[web2py] Re: How to make a simple counter

2011-03-07 Thread minux
Thanks a log pbreit. Your suggested perfectly solved my problem. I fiddled a bit with update_record but had difficulty who to grab the field in database, in order to update it. Since this seem to be a pretty common task (and difficulty for noobs), perhaps It would be good if this example somehow be

[web2py] Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-09 Thread minux
Hi folks, As a newbie to the fabulous framework, I am a bit put off when I reached to the end of the web2py chapter about deployment and (as it happened to me with Django before) I saw no receipt to deploy on nginx, which is my favorite web server. I searched around but could not find any complet

[web2py] Re: Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-10 Thread minux
love to see the complete On Mar 10, 12:23 pm, Michele Alzetta wrote: > On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 12:09 AM, minux wrote: > > > Cutting the long story short, I really appreciate it if someone could > > point me to a complete guide for nginx deployment, or writhe one :) >

[web2py] Re: Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-10 Thread minux
pbreit, thanks your concise guide http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/110 I could set up cherokee+uwsgi. However, I don't like Windowish attitude that treats users as dumbs (like, "this settings are not meant to be changed by you"...etc) and commercialized self-promoting approach of ch

[web2py] Re: Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-17 Thread minux
pbreit, I tried to follow the Linode recipe along with your instructions, but could not succeed. There were points were I really did not know what changes are needed to be made. For example: in '/etc/init.d/uwsgi' should the owner be uwsgi or www-data? in /etc/default/uwsgi, should the 'MODULE=wsg

[web2py] Re: Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-17 Thread minux
pbreit, please ignore my last post. Actually I could make nginx+uwsgi up and running by reading carefully your posts above. I have sum up the instructions here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5335153/how-to-deply-web2py-using-nginx Thank you so much for your help.