Hi guys,

I am pretty new to web2py and really enjoy learning this neat
framework. However, I've just encountered a problem, while trying to
developing a simple image gallery.

I want to put a simple counter under each image, but could not figure
out how to do so. Here are the relevant code

   Field('title','string', required=True),
   Field('file', 'upload', required=True),
   Field('created_on', 'datetime', default=request.now),
   Field('created_by', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id),
   Field('visits', 'integer', default=0),

------C O N T R O L L E R (unsuccessful) ------------------

def show():
    image = db.image(request.args(0)) or redirect(URL('index'))

    db.comment.image_id.default = image.id
    form = crud.create(db.comment,
                       message='your comment is posted',
    comments = db(db.comment.image_id==image.id).select()
    visits = db.image(request.args(0)).visits
    #visits = db.image(request.args(0)).update_record(visits)
    return dict(image=image, comments=comments, form=form,

#---V I E W---------------

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>Photo: {{=image.title}}</h1>
<img width="200px"
     src="{{=URL('download', args=image.file)}}" />
<p>Visits:  {{=visits}}</p>
{{if len(comments):}}
  <h2>Comments</h2><br /><p>
  {{for comment in comments:}}
    <p>{{=comment.author}} Wrote: <i>{{=comment.body}}</i></p>
  <h2>No comments posted yet</h2>
<h2>Post a comment</h2>

I appreciate your help.

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